Monday, October 17, 2016

My love of radio started early , but I'm loosing affection

I remember my start at least the real start in broadcasting. I was first recruited and drafted to doing some thing for our FFA or Future Farmers of America charter in Hagerman Idaho, at around age 12. It wasn't something I had little interest in any more since the availability of work was extremely limited. But I went. Kim Lee of Lee Family Broadcasting now, was about 7 or 8 years old at the time, his brother Kent was younger but more tech savy. Any mile KFMA was thee FM in the area at the time, mostly playing office background style music. I went in and toyed with some advanced gear that is primitive today but at the time state of the art. This was about the time of Drake Chanault . Any mile tired of that, my mini bike shop and dads trucking outfit needed some ads, so we stopped one day at then KEEP AM 1450 in Twin Falls Idaho. While Dad did some business I got to talking with two fellers one the news director/engineer and the Sports director. So I was put into a thing of a intern with a teen that was doing overnights on weekends named Paul J Wilson. I learned uch from him as well as Big Kelly and so on. A year or two later Paul needed to get his FCC 3rd ticket with broadcast endorsement called E-9. So the trip to Boise and back was interesting. Paul had to take the test twice, I did it in one take, and past with 100%. When we got back KEEP had just started moving to its current location on Park avenue in Twin Falls. One afternoon Dave Capps and I had this chat as he had an FM up and running called KEZJ Which stands for EASZ Jazz. I mentioned that converting that to a hit country music station was a good idea, plus adding an overnight truckers program would be a grand concept. However my style of radio and that of KEZJ always being careful as to not excite the big bad church types, decided to ship me out. KLIX though was all happy. Somewhere in between Paul left, in came a cat named Mike Arms, who took me under his arm and taught me many skills. However when he left to go to KFXD in Boise I decided that the move to KLIX was good. Funny that KLIX is is the same place as KEZJ. Capt. Showbizz as we called him should never sold out to Clear Channel. aka IHeart. Over the years I bounced around to many stations as one does in the business. Oh I am sure had I taken the long term offer from KFI out of Hollywood or something I'd have been better off, but I never got into radio to be a radio star. I felt that there were lonely over the road truckers, military veterans and so on that were sadly mis served or very underserved. And especially preaching and teaching on the true knowledge of southern history and heritage. So it was in 1976 that outlaw station KDSL FM 89.1 out of Hagerman Idaho signed on air, that later became KTOW FM at 101.5 in Hagerman in 1984. 
But you learn great lessons, but being on air is one thing that part is a gas, but being the guy that makes sure it earns, well that's another thing , that part, is very different. When your an on air your not much conscience of the FCC and other authorities, your not much thinking on how much that radio equipment costs. Or hiring and firing people. Or even dealing with people. You deal on air, grab a cup go home. When your the Alpha Wolf of the station you begin to hammer your head , you have to deal with the costs, wages, a human resources parts of running a radio station as a business, rather than just being on air and doing radio as a daily gig with little responsibility. 
Here lately its been like a mouse pushing a big boulder up a steep incline with his nose. You eventually get there, but just as you crest the hill, you stumble and fall back to the bottom and have to start pushing back up the hill, much if not all the time , by yourself. 

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