Several things that crept into the mix was the idea of completely changing things, including the web page's title. She wants to do it with the frequency and the Wolf, while my instincts say retain what it is, and maintain HazzardAyre. HazzardAyre has much to its credit, and even though many of the idiotic public may have trouble in spelling the thing in essence pronouncing Ayre as air, still if the tune in long enough they'll figure it out. Then came the understanding of our new hire not being hip on the toew smooch. Saying that when it gets to that its personal, rather than just a bit for air time. Yet that mere toew smooch has been one of our trademarks since 1979. You don't change things or ask a boss to change both company name nor promotional enhancements just because its not PC(politically Correct) . My thoughts are that and it may be that she finds greener pastures elsewhere, that I'm willing to work things out so we can retain her, since CL, is good at least I think so, although, she has not been on air yet. SouthernSteele Media, the Knytes's media finger, pays for only ON AIR billable hours. Not much in the way of prep time. But time will see if this was the blessing I thought it'd be.
Here lately getting jacked up for a night of air time, has been a big challenge. With all the stress's I've been going though here lately, first the go around with every loan company, here in town, just to square the debts of AllWest, CenturyLink, plus shop rent. Then there are utilities, sure I can do that this month, but how long is a big question. Then there's the shop. Between myself and my Shelly, using the majority of our monthly checks the shop is maintaining, but again for how long? Then there's the General JaXson, which I think may need some serious attention very shortly, both on the brakes, power steering hoses and pump, and a mediocur transmission leak. Money ain't growing on the trees here, and there's not a bunch of that green stash to spare on experimental new hires.
At the end of August when I found that expenses were exceeding income, I had all my sails pointed towards moving into Idaho, somewhere from here. Then our pal Rick called , needed a place for his rides and such, so I informed him he was welcome to put it out at my shop. So I paid the rent, thinking we'd once again team up to go again. Then it came down to him not. Then came the idea from the brother of the guy who rents us our shop, that he'd rent us an office for our cyber/OTA station. When it finally came down to it after making plans, and with CL coming thought lets remain on station here. Then came this month. I was so damn backed up money wise on a personal way, that if it'd been a toilet , I'd have exploded. The very reason that I don't push more to move this station into a more professional environment is that outside of myself and CL, there's just not enough reason to right now. When I have at least 3 trained and on air honeys doing radio shifts, when I have an experienced engineer, on staff, and all the rest, and serious cash coming in Then and only then will I get froggy over a full court press on studio and all that goes with that.
Over the past 15 years, I have had only two sweet cheeks walk in off the street and with little in the way of training, was able to go on air, do the toew smooch without a reason, and do radio the Hazzard County fight the system, rebel way. Miss Dixie Diesel Robin Whittaker in 1993 and in 2009 Nurse GoodBody Erin in 2009,

Now onto the focus topic. The way to get jacked up to do a radio show, is to have a producer who understands what I'm about to do, has everything prepped, some good coffee, a few eats, and maybe some hannibus or a few pints of Jack Daniels. Somebody who I have immediate chemistry with, like Erin and even our human relationship therapist host Emme. Who has no problem being a Ginny Pig to experience things that will be of on topic for that night's or days show. That's how you get jacked up to do a radio show.
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