And then there is Google , did the rip snort of the Internet give away to the UN kill our Blogs etc?
I don't know about ya'll but if your like me with a creative independent mind, your ability to express yourself and deliver news and content online is pretty much being hobbled. Seems here lately the one near bullet proof Google and Blogger has been suspending my accounts? Really? Nothing has changed as to what I write or relay to all of you since I signed on with Google in 2001 and started blogging on Blogger in 2003. That was due to a Davis County Commissioner candidate running for a seat on that Commission then that told me of Blogger. From one titled blog to near 65 titles, and I get my account suspended? Then being a client of Google Chrome, as well as Google's Desktop even though the latter is no longer supported by Google still I use it. The fact that
I have all 5 of both my companies and two of the Knyte's companies on Google, and yet my account gets suspended? It's nearly as onery as the new cop pulling me over the other for not having the current years tags on my license plates on the General, even though all is current. There's things you don't do in life, you don't pull the mask off of the Lone Ranger, you don't tug at Superman's cape and you damn well don't want to mess with the Hazzard Knytes. You can think about it, but don't do it.
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