Monday, October 31, 2016

Don't pull out all my toys, Facebook doesn't like them and why me?

If you don't like our groups and pages on Facebook, don't go there. I had to resign in to Facebook, because somebody was sniffing around a bunch of OUR photos. Now the fact that the idiots at Facebook, can't appreciate fine eye candy is one thing, but fact is, the groups are not aimed at women or toddlers, but guess what we get singled out. What has been entertainment on our groups and pages now seem to be offensive. Really. Now if this was just us I'd say okay, I'll fix it, but I have seen much, much more on Facebook, right in the Newsfeed. I report the damn thing. Guess what friends I get some response from some not yet dry behind the ear college boy at Facebook, saying that such and such does not violate the community standards. I guess some hot gal posing with a classic big truck is nasty, but some gal taking a dump and calling others mothers a slut isn't. My how the pages and times have changed.
So I'm going in later tonight, pulling all but a very few pages and groups, and maybe eventually quiting frigging Facebook all together. Who needs em? 
Sometime this summer, I'm taking a long trip to Gay bay California, going to the headquarters of both Google and Facebook, and having a rather heated pow wow with them. Here you are trying to make a living and you get hammered. The reason, these outfits that were once free, need not just want, but NEED you to set up a paid, commercial account with them. Spend money they leave you alone. Ignore their ads , they come bug you. Maybe its time for a better FB, or at least a more open minded social website? Now if I can just get my other half and such to quit pulling out our content for all to see, we wont have this problem. 

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