Monday, October 31, 2016

Don't pull out all my toys, Facebook doesn't like them and why me?

If you don't like our groups and pages on Facebook, don't go there. I had to resign in to Facebook, because somebody was sniffing around a bunch of OUR photos. Now the fact that the idiots at Facebook, can't appreciate fine eye candy is one thing, but fact is, the groups are not aimed at women or toddlers, but guess what we get singled out. What has been entertainment on our groups and pages now seem to be offensive. Really. Now if this was just us I'd say okay, I'll fix it, but I have seen much, much more on Facebook, right in the Newsfeed. I report the damn thing. Guess what friends I get some response from some not yet dry behind the ear college boy at Facebook, saying that such and such does not violate the community standards. I guess some hot gal posing with a classic big truck is nasty, but some gal taking a dump and calling others mothers a slut isn't. My how the pages and times have changed.
So I'm going in later tonight, pulling all but a very few pages and groups, and maybe eventually quiting frigging Facebook all together. Who needs em? 
Sometime this summer, I'm taking a long trip to Gay bay California, going to the headquarters of both Google and Facebook, and having a rather heated pow wow with them. Here you are trying to make a living and you get hammered. The reason, these outfits that were once free, need not just want, but NEED you to set up a paid, commercial account with them. Spend money they leave you alone. Ignore their ads , they come bug you. Maybe its time for a better FB, or at least a more open minded social website? Now if I can just get my other half and such to quit pulling out our content for all to see, we wont have this problem. 

Monday, October 17, 2016

My love of radio started early , but I'm loosing affection

I remember my start at least the real start in broadcasting. I was first recruited and drafted to doing some thing for our FFA or Future Farmers of America charter in Hagerman Idaho, at around age 12. It wasn't something I had little interest in any more since the availability of work was extremely limited. But I went. Kim Lee of Lee Family Broadcasting now, was about 7 or 8 years old at the time, his brother Kent was younger but more tech savy. Any mile KFMA was thee FM in the area at the time, mostly playing office background style music. I went in and toyed with some advanced gear that is primitive today but at the time state of the art. This was about the time of Drake Chanault . Any mile tired of that, my mini bike shop and dads trucking outfit needed some ads, so we stopped one day at then KEEP AM 1450 in Twin Falls Idaho. While Dad did some business I got to talking with two fellers one the news director/engineer and the Sports director. So I was put into a thing of a intern with a teen that was doing overnights on weekends named Paul J Wilson. I learned uch from him as well as Big Kelly and so on. A year or two later Paul needed to get his FCC 3rd ticket with broadcast endorsement called E-9. So the trip to Boise and back was interesting. Paul had to take the test twice, I did it in one take, and past with 100%. When we got back KEEP had just started moving to its current location on Park avenue in Twin Falls. One afternoon Dave Capps and I had this chat as he had an FM up and running called KEZJ Which stands for EASZ Jazz. I mentioned that converting that to a hit country music station was a good idea, plus adding an overnight truckers program would be a grand concept. However my style of radio and that of KEZJ always being careful as to not excite the big bad church types, decided to ship me out. KLIX though was all happy. Somewhere in between Paul left, in came a cat named Mike Arms, who took me under his arm and taught me many skills. However when he left to go to KFXD in Boise I decided that the move to KLIX was good. Funny that KLIX is is the same place as KEZJ. Capt. Showbizz as we called him should never sold out to Clear Channel. aka IHeart. Over the years I bounced around to many stations as one does in the business. Oh I am sure had I taken the long term offer from KFI out of Hollywood or something I'd have been better off, but I never got into radio to be a radio star. I felt that there were lonely over the road truckers, military veterans and so on that were sadly mis served or very underserved. And especially preaching and teaching on the true knowledge of southern history and heritage. So it was in 1976 that outlaw station KDSL FM 89.1 out of Hagerman Idaho signed on air, that later became KTOW FM at 101.5 in Hagerman in 1984. 
But you learn great lessons, but being on air is one thing that part is a gas, but being the guy that makes sure it earns, well that's another thing , that part, is very different. When your an on air your not much conscience of the FCC and other authorities, your not much thinking on how much that radio equipment costs. Or hiring and firing people. Or even dealing with people. You deal on air, grab a cup go home. When your the Alpha Wolf of the station you begin to hammer your head , you have to deal with the costs, wages, a human resources parts of running a radio station as a business, rather than just being on air and doing radio as a daily gig with little responsibility. 
Here lately its been like a mouse pushing a big boulder up a steep incline with his nose. You eventually get there, but just as you crest the hill, you stumble and fall back to the bottom and have to start pushing back up the hill, much if not all the time , by yourself. 

And then there is Google , did the rip snort of the Internet give away to the UN kill our Blogs etc?

I don't know about ya'll but if your like me with a creative independent mind, your ability to express yourself and deliver news and content online is pretty much being hobbled. Seems here lately the one near bullet proof Google and Blogger has been suspending my accounts? Really? Nothing has changed as to what I write or relay to all of you since I signed on with Google in 2001 and started blogging on Blogger in 2003. That was due to a Davis County Commissioner candidate running for a seat on that Commission then that told me of Blogger. From one titled blog to near 65 titles, and I get my account suspended? Then being a client of Google Chrome, as well as Google's Desktop even though the latter is no longer supported by Google still I use it. The fact that 
 I have all 5 of both my companies and two of the Knyte's companies on Google, and yet my account gets suspended? It's nearly as onery as the new cop pulling me over the other for not having the current years tags on my license plates on the General, even though all is current. There's things you don't do in life, you don't pull the mask off of the Lone Ranger, you don't tug at Superman's cape and you damn well don't want to mess with the Hazzard Knytes. You can think about it, but don't do it. 

Friday, October 14, 2016

Slowly loosing Interest

Good Friday morning, or at least Morning. I'm having a cognitive moment here in attempting to make decisions. Thing is that while I believe in this radio gig, and where it can go, as well as defending rural America or at least the rural Mountain West, the stress's and all is beginning to become such that I might have to choose to put the operation on the back burner. At least until such time that I can if needed move it to Twin Falls or at least Burley Idaho. While the operation of HazzardAyre Radio and all that makes that up, I have a great young woman in all ways a woman who moved here to go to bat to help escalate this radio thing to levels that I can't hardly imagine. Trouble is with some trouble with Shelly's money that helps pay for the shop, the landord that rents us the shop, his brother who had the office/studio pulled back from renting us the stuidio office. Which means this remains in my home. Unless I can generate some serious cash in the next few days the whole dang thing might have to be put on hiatus since I don't even know right now how we are going to pay TinkerBelle. She's got expenses, rent, utilities, truck payment and so on, that's going to come due, and even the lifeline our Internet/cable service might be put in limbo, since the $400.00 they want , I don't have and right now the Knytes are not in a great enthusiastic mood to provide. The Knytes's thoughts are near mine, move this to Burley, Idaho. Sell this damn license to someone for 1240 AM, and move me, HCC/Cooter's A1 Toewing and HazzardAyre Radio there where the human and tech resources are a bit better. When Shelly didn't send in her full contribution to the Knytes for the shop and all, that started a ball rolling,  shop rent is missing so we're mainly me are about to loose the shop, that made it to where no office space for a studio for the radio station, so I'm up against a wall. Anyone who knows me, knows, before LexiBelle, my tow truck suffers, bet your next tune up, that I'll put this radio thing in storage, to keep the shop. This month started out good, with an influx of money from part of the settlement of the Foundation and all, but by the time I paid all the local loan sharks, house rent, and all everything else was gone. When I hired TinkerBelle, it was based on that office studio. Since that is on hold, unless I can raise some serious cash, then it'll mean I'll have to layoff TinkerBelle, move my trucks out to Rick's and see about elsewhere to live. And I can nearly tell you this, no radio gig, no shop, no towing when it starts snowing, there might not be a me & Shelly.
More in The evening on my show, hopefully as we are having computer problems up the wazzoo, Google's Chrome has been really taking a serious shit lately.

Al Gore Set to Meet With HIllary Clinton on Various Implementation Plans...

Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Another show done ready for bed

Another good show now in the box and now just letting the water in the boiler to heat to get a bath then bed. 
I must say that working with is much nicer than working with . Don't get me wrong Livestream got us here so I'm not abandoning the platform, but Livestream is not for cyber radio, its more aimed at IPTV streaming, not just audio. Although gives me a 50 listener limit for my free account, that want $4.00 for program storage, thing is, I've gave them my credit card number at least a dozen times. With all I had to do was use my card once, set up my Pro account and it was off to the races. With, there are not constant adjustments needed, my cpu never overloads, and only once did I have to contact their tech support. Livestream? Have called many times. Bottom line, is for radio , is for big market IPTV. 
Well, I'm headed to bed.

Awe but for the love of Peterbilt

This may not be the place for this, but here goes anyway. Our grand heckler just can't leave well enough alone, but to dispell all I will try to remind him and many who are not tuned in here at least mentally. The Knytes-of-Dixie in fact the Knytes-of-Anarchy was never envisioned to being that of a biker club. When we reformed the organization it was a path going back to our over the road long haul and short haul trucker days. The biker thing just sort of fell into the mix. 
In our view truckers and bikers have a few things in common, we love open unencombered highways, full tanks of fuel, good food that sticks to your innards and the love of chrome and steel. Our organization is split in 60% over the road truckers 20% Towing professionals and 20% bikers. 
The Knytes-of-Anarchy was a path from the Rode Knytes Association/Hazzard County Knytes into something a bit more Urban/Rural rather than just rural as it was with the Hazzard County Knytes.
For BD to claim that we are or even I am a poser or wannabe just doesn't know the club. So for the Love of Peterbilt, BD do I need to hold your hand and walk you through the damn garden? 

Sunday, October 9, 2016

Another tech mismatch

HazzardAyre and our network is experiencing a technical snafu at this hour. However we look to being back on the air following the Presidential debate at 22:00 Hours to midnight on and on from midnight to 06:00 .

You don't change a name just because its not PC popular

B4 I get into the focus of my rant here, understand that its not to demean or trash talk my friend and compatriot Rick. With that said. Shall we begin?
Last year about this time with LexiBelle in the stables and all Rick suggested that calling my tow service Highway Hooker Toewing(mis-spelled on purpose) was a bit over the top. That in the days of good old CB and all Hooker was the slang used to say or describe a tow truck. But today the name might conjure up notions of a different sort. So against my better judgement I renamed the outfit to SpeedWrench Toewing, and rapidly saw a serious decline in calls. I have a listing on Google My Business, on Yelp, amongst others. Once I switched back the calls came back. If you consider this, like; the punk pop band Bare Naked Ladies. First none of them are bare naked, and none of them are ladies. But the name made you go to their website and by their music. Highway Hooker Toewing is a name that reaches out and grabs attention. Even if its spelling is a bit askewed the longer someone stares at it, the longer it gets nested in the sub conscience and they will think more of calling me than some outfits just named H&H, or some such. Same went with Hazzard County Choppers. When I finally was able to open HCC in the old Perkins shop off of Bear River Drive here in Evanston, one guy and his old lady pushed me to rename the shop Dixie Garage, Not bad, but the minute he was not wanting to do that anymore gone was the work. Except for the contracted building of custom bikes, which is what Hazzard County Choppers is all about.  With that said, having someone say it'd be good to retitle everything into a new name on radio, that would completely misdirect the idea of what HazzardAyre is all about. HazzardAyre as its description says is bring all things southern including Dukes-of-Hazzard together with things of an aviation nature, from warbirds to the history of military flight. In essence AirWolf, or in our case due to copyright laws, AyreWolf. Hence HazzardAyre. HazzardAyre from its very beginning in 2010 to now has been by divine inspiration, and much perspiration . What began as a very simple syndicated pre recorded radio show has grown into a mammoth of a success that has NO equal. It'd be like me getting hired by say Walmart or McDonald's. Showing up to work, and telling the owners or managers that the name was old, had no more worth and should be changed. When you work for someone else, you do and accept what it is, or go elsewhere. 
Last but not least and I feel pretty proud of myself for not giving into serious temptation. The other night, I took CL up to where KEVA used to be housed before we bought its license. Upon arriving noticed the little shed that most if not all the discarded radio gear was open. Now in my earlier days, I might have been tempted to pilpher that gear. Nobody would notice and that might be okay. But Hazzard County folks, don't steal. So a few ago, I informed our county sheriffs office of the open shed. Two reasons I did that, with me and the club being known for doing up a radio station, if stuff got stolen, we'd be the first people that would get blamed. I have got a good reputation here with the local law, and as such because of that and my southern breeding, I called the fuzz. 
Will be on air at 13:00 today.

How to get jacked up to do a radio show?

The courtship of me and our new hire is not yet all over and there's many bugs to work out. 
Several things that crept into the mix was the idea of completely changing things, including the web page's title. She wants to do it with the frequency and the Wolf, while my instincts say retain what it is, and maintain HazzardAyre. HazzardAyre has much to its credit, and even though many of the idiotic public may have trouble in spelling the thing in essence pronouncing Ayre as air, still if the tune in long enough they'll figure it out. Then came the understanding of our new hire not being hip on the toew smooch. Saying that when it gets to that its personal, rather than just a bit for air time. Yet that mere toew smooch has been one of our trademarks since 1979. You don't change things or ask a boss to change both company name nor promotional enhancements just because its not PC(politically Correct) . My thoughts are that and it may be that she finds greener pastures elsewhere, that I'm willing to work things out so we can retain her, since CL, is good at least I think so, although, she has not been on air yet. SouthernSteele Media, the Knytes's media finger, pays for only ON AIR billable hours. Not much in the way of prep time. But time will see if this was the blessing I thought it'd be.
Here lately getting jacked up for a night of air time, has been a big challenge. With all the stress's I've been going though here lately, first the go around with every loan company, here in town, just to square the debts of AllWest, CenturyLink, plus shop rent. Then there are utilities, sure I can do that this month, but how long is a big question. Then there's the shop. Between myself and my Shelly, using the majority of our monthly checks the shop is maintaining, but again for how long? Then there's the General JaXson, which I think may need some serious attention very shortly, both on the brakes, power steering hoses and pump, and a mediocur transmission leak. Money ain't growing on the trees here, and there's not a bunch of that green stash to spare on experimental new hires. 
At the end of August when I found that expenses were exceeding income, I had all my sails pointed towards moving into Idaho, somewhere from here. Then our pal Rick called , needed a place for his rides and such, so I informed him he was welcome to put it out at my shop. So I paid the rent, thinking we'd once again team up to go again. Then it came down to him not. Then came the idea from the brother of the guy who rents us our shop, that he'd rent us an office for our cyber/OTA station. When it finally came down to it after making plans, and with CL coming thought lets remain on station here. Then came this month. I was so damn backed up money wise on a personal way, that if it'd been a toilet , I'd have exploded. The very reason that I don't push more to move this station into a more professional environment is that outside of myself and CL, there's just not enough reason to right now. When I have at least 3 trained and on air honeys doing radio shifts, when I have an experienced engineer, on staff, and all the rest, and serious cash coming in Then and only then will I get froggy over a full court press on studio and all that goes with that.
Over the past 15 years, I have had only two sweet cheeks walk in off the street and with little in the way of training, was able to go on air, do the toew smooch without a reason, and do radio the Hazzard County fight the system, rebel way. Miss Dixie Diesel Robin Whittaker in 1993 and in 2009 Nurse GoodBody Erin in 2009, 
 When Erin first inquired of our career opening, and the toew smooch was mentioned, her only question on it was pantyhose or stockings? The rest was easier than sliding across Hazzard Creek in the winter on ice skates. Every night at midnight, I'd drive up to Gooding Idaho, get comfortable with things and look forward to radio unmatched anywhere. Both Warbird Radio and two others mimicked us, so bad it was like we both could recite the copy word for word. Can I find someone in this modern just got to be feminazi politically correct society again? Who knows. 
Now onto the focus topic. The way to get jacked up to do a radio show, is to have a producer who understands what I'm about to do, has everything prepped, some good coffee, a few eats, and maybe some hannibus or a few pints of Jack Daniels. Somebody who I have immediate chemistry with, like Erin and even our human relationship therapist host Emme. Who has no problem being a Ginny Pig to experience things that will be of on topic for that night's or days show. That's how you get jacked up to do a radio show.

Saturday, October 1, 2016

If Walmart isn't going broke its pretty close to it and Assholes are everywhere not just Evanston Wyoming

This evening getting stocked up for our radio show later in the twilight, I ventured to our local Smith's Food Center rather than the local Walmart. As I was checking out, being able to really kindly chat with the clerks and bag boys, I mentioned that I loved coming to Smith's rather than our local Walmart. The lady clerk, at Smith's said I was the 15th person to say as much. I think our local Walmart is in real trouble. In trouble with poor moral, poor intelligent except for a very small pool of employees, poor store stocking, and getting products that people want, not just what corporate thinks we as consumers might want. Let's face it, next to the Walmart in Burley Idaho, this one here in Evanston, Wyoming is really the pits. As it stands I go to Smith's for food, Walmart for dry goods and clothes and occassionally consumer electronics and related parts. But Walmart is not the only one here. Our local Mcdonalds is nearly the same way. I go in for a new treat of a Big Mac, (no lettuce) fries and soda. Went to sit in front of the TV, except, NO TV. So mentioned wuzz up with the TV? Fat gal floor manager(no wonder Donald Trump don't like fat women) turned it off due to the fact that the volume was too high. Of which she had no way or knowledge of how to turn it down. Her excuse, door to volume controls were glued shut. I might have bought that excuse, except somebody knew how to turn it up in the first place. Somebody opened the plastic door to the volumetric controls. No care for the consumers there. Except that it's the consumers that pay that fat broads paycheck. Many people think and this ought to be a course or subject matter taught in every school in the nation. It's me and consumers buying and patronizing those places that enable someone to cut that check to pay these mama sauns, and teens that fat check. 
Now then lets move on. Watched conference which was good, many things spoken, and its my belief that few of those words will make it back to the individual Wards of the church. Few ever do, of those that do, they remain, only quotes for another lesson. Nothing that's said in conference is ever or hardly applied.
One of those goes to two that I have shown kindness in our community when most others including Church wards here have shunned them.
The Lord Jesus Christ taught that compassion and assistance to others in need when you can and even if it causes YOU to go with out should always be shown. One needed to be rescued from a bad living situation. I opened my home, helped her to get on her own feet and she now attends BYU, as a newly confirmed member of the Church. I showed that lessons learned are applied. Second last week, a younger girl I know who needed a place so that her son could take a bath and clean up. Being homeless, I opened my home. There is no immediate outcome, but I received a confirmation from on high that my compassion was in fact appreciated. As Thursday I received in the mail two settlement checks from the Montgomery Foundation. A bit over $475.00 between the two. No not a big windfall, but still God showed that you do good and show charity instead of greed, good things happen in deed. More on the show starting in 4 hours, and Sunday night, the return of Highway Hooker Radio, the only show on radio on any station in the nation dedicated to those of us who tow.