Sunday, May 22, 2016

Women are feminists until it comes to the part of picking up the check

Women or at least some women are feminists or want to be treated equal as men in work circles yet regress to that meek woman when it comes to money, especially when it comes to picking up the meal check. Of course us male corpuscles have always been the big daddy, so we assume its always our duty to do so, but if women want to be treated equal, and as just business associates, they must be willing some to at times reciprocate and pick up the brew and food tab. Likewise, and I've heard it all over the media in fact even some in both music, politics and Hollywood, the acctress's and singers want the same amount of money per royalty checks to their music and performances as their male counterparts. Even the Marine Corps, is examining the idea of changing terms to better accomodate the women now entering combat service. Dig this the idea is now to say such things as Rifleperson rather than Rifleman or Riflemen. Can you just hear your Drill sarge say hey Rifleperson your aim is a bit off? Women I think need to either accept the meek side of their role is society or step up to the plate to be equal. Just like the other day, and several before. Pam didn't want to come out to the Wolf's Lair here, why? Guy, gal in a confined space. Without regard to that it is strictly business, and no hanky panky to be involved, yet she had to be with another. Or like the other day out at what was to be the Boars Nest, I have bought Pam one trip through a Salad Bar and two cocktails. To this point where is the , Hey I'll buy this time. Like out when we were , sigining the purchase papers on that bar, Even though Tonio, was gave it to us, Pam was reluctant to buy me a drink. I'm just one here, but should there not be some reciprocal return here? Pam's not the only one, her friend Mo, who is pitching the idea on doing up a studio/office here. That I'm all for since that is point of what I came here to do in the first place,. Mo wasn't the least bit concerned with personal safety, we just sat and talked about her idea of a health bar. I'm all for that, but she stepped up to the plate and struck at bat. Its the difference between women and men, the major one is Man has penis , woman has vagina, and if left alone long enough, one will find the other, or so the story goes. Or at least the basic theory goes. The summary on that here is this, when Women start taking the risks on doing business or work that a man does, I'm all for equality in wages and such. Until then, women stay in the typing pool, and let men do the real heavy lifting.
On the bar and then I'll shut up about it. You know that its most likely not a great idea, when the current owner of a business wont carry the paper on that structure, or a bank wont lend money to make it go. 
Last here, and I experienced this earlier, its pretty bad and you know your growing older, when your about to have intimate relations, and you can't remember wat hole to put it in. 
See ya'll on the cyber ayrewaves.

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