Thursday, July 14, 2016

maybe they need to be more like us, ya think?

Even with the shake up at SSM and HazzardAyre/AyreWolf Radio, still I have to say, that these online companies need to goof proof their systems, long before they say click here, or join this or that. An example. Was gleaning over my Gmail, and saw this story from one source that offered a information service so I opted in. After I signed up the damn thing kept on cycling and cycling, to the point I said to hell with it, and moved on.
A website, like a TV ad these days, has three things going and not going for it. One the ad had better tell the truth completely, two it had better be creative, and three if they offer a website, that website better work. If the ad is pure garbage, the ad not enticing and the website not work, bet your next tune up, people will go to Facebook and hammer you, and it does not take long, two they wont buy whatever it is your selling and three, the public will think your a total baffoon.  Of course there's the idiots on FB. There's many there, mostly unemployed and paying for their Internet access with welfare or some other public support money, that have gave up looking for work. But they'll post so damn many things on there, but playing it safe. Oops don't want their Bishop or Pastor to know what they're doing. If they post a video, they only post part of it, maybe 5 minutes of it. How about posting the Entire thing? Here at SSM/HazzardAyre/AyreWolf Radio we operate with 10 people. 5 in Idaho, 3 in Utah and two here in Wyoming. Of that 10, 3 , are working the broadcast side, 2 are overseeing our websites and so on. But while we do make mistakes, we are online telling you something messed up. Not just allowing things to degradate to a point of none use, and subject to our ass's getting beat online. 
Stay tuned, on the air at midnight.
But maybe some of these companies need to be more like us, at least get experts in house, and start minding their stores. Just like yesterday, I called the FCC and others all day. When I called the FCC I must have gotten at least 20 different units of the FCC that said leave us a message. Same thing as I got, from some here in Etown as well as Wyoming. Damn it if your going to run a tax payer supported agency at least answer the damn phone. Understand that not everybody lives on or works on the DC Beltway. Then of course there's the rest of our groupings of associates, that are going to be weeded out over the next year. Many who have not served well, or never are available or who have ill served the organization will be terminated. Not whacked, just discharged from being an associate. Only those that can be counted on, and are truthful will be retained. The rest its boot in the butt time.
 Stay Tuned

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