Wednesday, June 15, 2016

We're on the air at 04:00 hours on and a great night had by all at the Ward races

We're on the air both over the air on 105.7 FM and on starting at 04:00 hours in the morning. Had a very pleasant day, got the pain outta my back although I'm still having some circulation problems in my right shoulder, which means holding anything or doing much repeatable motion is painful, but good old Goody's headache powders do the trick. And no Mr. Beaver D, other pain relievers and Goody's are not the same no matter if they both have the same ingredients . 
Went to a nice junk food dinner and a pine wood car race thing at the church, talked with the Bishop, a bit as he was the only one there that didn't find it offensive to sit down and break bread with me,. Then she came in, and once again, my attention was nearly undivided. It's not that it has anything on the lines of hein and shein, nor a romantic quest , more along the line that she is one of the more intelligent young lady's I have met here that rings true, with Lexi, and Lisa. There are the only true, foxy and yet full of knowledge several years ahead on their ages, that I have got to get her on air. So with 2 big ziplock bags of watermelon, that I could not get enough of I came home and now getting ready to hit the sack so I can be good for being on air at o4:00 AM. 

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