Drama Queens and how to shed one, but should you, and, its a bummer to doing toew dispatch on a Saturday night

Drama queens, or those women that you move in with you, or establish a relationship with that thrives on creating a crisis or event, just to gain attention. Trust me I cohabitated with one for nearly 3 months and was in pure hell during the time. I consumed more brew and whiskey and spent more time at bars, during that time, than I ever did before or since I kindly gave her the boot and sent her home to Florida. However from what I have been reading, this is not something one should do. Drama queens come out of a situation condition, where they were made to feel inferior and kicked their self esteem in the groin. They were made to feel forgotten or ignored and as such have what I will term an adult temper tantrum. However , it is that just giving them the boot is more harmful than helpful. At least if you care about another human being, even if the end condition is no romantic relationship. While both men and women suffer the same conditions many times, women being the more emotional of the genders of humanity, exhibit this more. Women today are not, repeat NOT satisfied to just stay barefoot and knocked up. Or being a domestic servant to the male of a domicile. No the women of today want, hell they NEED to be involved in your every hour activity. The reason God invented the idea of man goes to the shop or office and women stay home pays homage to the adage of familiarity breeds contempt. God meant for a man to get out of the house, during 8 or so hours, so one does not get so mad at the woman that you have visions of ball bat.
According to researchers at Hazzard County University, what drama queens need most is lots of love, like you would an abused cat and lots of mental heath counseling. Most of your friends and associates will tell you, give her the boot, out. Or you get out of the residence and find other quarters to save your mind. Yet in reality the best thing you can do, is try to repair the emotional damage. Only if that fails, do you bail.
Okay then, had a service call, wouldn't ya'll know it? On the air, truck with a puked battery couldn't go, so dispatched Rick and Dark Horse, to do a no fuel sheep hauler. What this proves is one simple thing. If your dedicated to toewing and the life of toewing, your weekends. You are always ready, and if not have a good back up. It also suggests this, if Rick and I partnered again, and focused effort on going toewing, at least my half, there is no limit on the money we could make. Reason? Here in Evanston, Wyoming , where we are, nobody really does except for us true 25 hour toew and road service, especially weekends. Two I have been marketing Highway Hooker Toewing to the degree that we are listed on just about every road service directory especially heavy and mid sized trucks, but its sure a bummer to be doing dispatch on a Saturday night.
I'll have more on this in the morning after the show. Tune in at; www.livestream.com/samcromcradio starting at 03:00 AM Mountain Standard Time
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