Haven't been keeping ya'll informed as much as I used to, had my hands full with dealing with issues on locating and staking claim to somewhere outside the Rode House for a professional location for KTOW/KSOA Radio, as well as finding candidates for the web site poster girls. Seems as to many are not into slightly racy threads, or to intermingle with MC members in poses, so the search goes on.
It's amazing to see the attitude with facebook. Seems open Porn is in, and something quite innocent as replying to the old lady with Yep, is called spam, yet women can have open crotch shots
and yet that's okay. Must mean the young college kids screening facebook content must like looking at a hot babe, yet I can't even communicate with the old lady. Amazing ain't it.
Signed up for a group on fb dealing with hot single bikers. Lots of gals post on there but will never get serious, its simply a bait and switch tease and us real riders have no chance of landing any gal on there, but its fun to browze anyway.
The Hazzard County Choppers shop still needs revamping, and a shop door put in as well as a good paint job. maybe spring.
I need to say this; Even though the local fuzz hates us, even though there are a few in my neighborhood that hates me, or at least what the Knytes

Been doing some intense searches on Google of connections from Biz TV and Business Rockstars, anything that gets the word out about our media op, is good for the Reaper Crew.
If nothing goes wrong this week a investor has contributed to the MC, and should have the parts in the Rode House that will enable SamcroMC Radio and the rest of our offerings to once again blaze the cyber radio channels of ours.
Finally, if you read the fb posts lately you already know this if not here goes. There was this gal named Marie that has constantly teased the club, mostly me of being one of our main poster queens, so last week she said she was coming over. Wednesday said no go fluid, a night wasted waiting for her. Next day Thursday she says no gas money, finally Friday she shows. Says she's in, come Saturday morning note on fb saying she's moving to OKC, really? If she can't make it from Twin Falls to the Rode House here in Wendell, 35 miles how is she going to make it cross country to Oklahoma ? Add to that got stung for no insurance. If I were trying to do that, and did not have much money, I'd have came over here, done our gig for a week, get paid and have serious green in her jeans to make such a move. Some people just don't think.
Launching Maximum Overdrive Radio next Saturday, big doings here at the Rode House for that, got some ideas for getting talent in the studio.
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