When such things that occured overnight happen, I think, my would it not be keen to have somebody I trust slip in and do this show for me. Especially a lady radio personality. But any time I start to seriously get to recruiting, my lady SheWolf Shelly, gets this jealous twinge that drives, not just a putt up the damn side of the wall. She bitches about the turtles pace progress on the movie, or other things , that might involve me even looking at let alone smelling or tasting another lady, and she gets depressed and starts going off, worse than Sheldon Cooper from Big Bang Theory, on oh I am fat, ugly, and don't have the hot body and so on. I told her the other night, its not what you got its how you use it. I myself am no GQ guy, my gut is big , so big in fact it bends over my belt. My legs are chunky, I'm loosing my hair, what hair I do have is snow white, and I'm getting old, real old, and I feel it. The old days of 49 and 72 hours shit is near over. When night or evening hits, all I want is dinner, some TV and bed.
That said, I'm intelligent , more so than many, my memory is always spot on, I am fortunate enough to have not to have went through abuse and a host of domestic abnormaladies , rather a life of sheer luxury, created by damn hard work, in farm fields, as well as buckling down in school. While I'm no super tech at the shop, show me how to do something once or point me in the right direction of what's up and I'm on it like a hummingbird is to a bowl of sugar water. Sure I might not have a whole heap amount of school smarts or even street smarts, but I have Kountry farm smarts . I'd like to see a few of these city folk deliver a calf, inverted. I'd like to see most of em even milk a cow. Or shoe a horse. I can. Most couldn't even feed a small calf a bottle of milk or assemble a feed bottle from a rubber glove and a pop bottle. I can. Sure I am out of shape, in school or even a youth to even now, I'm not a muscle bound jock, I'm more of a kountry Harley ridding, toew trucki nerd. But I like myself. Which is something I'm trying to teach Shelly. No matter who insults you, other people will only like you, if you like yourself. Don't be afraid to get out and meet people. Do what makes your heart and mind sing. Don't just say I can't and quit. I told Shelly last night , the reason the few people that like me and the few that don't are jealous of me, is I'm not afraid of going after something I want or desire. Sure I might fall down and fail with my face in the mud, but I can be happy because at least I made the attempt. If you like a woman or as it was in Hazzard High, sure she might be out of my ability, but she can only tell me no so many times. Eventually she has to either say yes or call the cops for stalking, but I can say I went after it. Just like when I went out on my own with the support of the club, but on my own, with doing our own radio station beyond a low watt FM and syndication, everybody told me from my Cousin Bud to my Mom and my school counselor said you'll never make it. It took me years to figure out how to get a radio of sorts gig online. But I stayed at it. Guess what I have two channels one on Spreaker.com and one of 9 on Livestream.com . Had I gave up neither would have happened. Same with getting an over the air station on here in western Wyoming. I made the decision on putting old KEVA to be called KKOD AM 1240 on the air, and I'm determined to stick it out. Just like the toew gig. When I told Mom that's something I wanted to do, she told me I had a hole in my screen door. But I stayed after that goal when I turned 19 on my birthday in 1978 between what money I made driving LexiBelle for the original owner , he offered her to me so Mom and I pooled money, and Bamm What? I had LexiBelle. The rest is history. After my first year doing that my number came up to go into the Marines. I wanted to fly. Mom said that'll never happen. But I took the tests, went to PeensyCola Florida, and in May 1982 I was in Yuma Arizona flying backup helicopter for the VMA214 BlackSheep. After 1983 with Mom gone I got stationed in Yuma or Reserve Active Duty, which meant two weeks and Three months a year. So I did my duty with the production company of the Dukes-of-Hazzard with a bit of help to producer Skip Ward, got a rookie job there , but hey I was there, became that shows family member and I was (no pun intended) in Hogg Heaven. Bottom line Shelly, if you want something you go get it. Then came the Airwolf thing. The Dukes set and in reality the Airwolf set is only two blocks away from each other. One is in Warner Brothers, the other inside Universal Studios. So after the Dukes, took lunch at Universal's lunch room, talked to the powers that be, and got a gig on that lot. Started writing on an IBM selectric typewriter. The executive writers liked my ideas and started incorporating those ideas into scripts. Soon after I was writing entire episodes. Its something I wanted, so I went and got it. It's just like the title song sung by Ray Stevens no less of the movie Cannon Ball Run says, It's not what you got its how you use it. Create your own sense of style. If someone gives you a dare take it, if there's a mountain in front of you move it. The worst is you fall flat on your ass, at best you win and ya'll can give em all that great one fingered salute

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