Preve eve my friends, my home teacher rather sleepily calls me informing of an Elders Ward Party here in town.Figuring at least a free meal I went. The meal was all that was good about it. First the turnout was very poor, second the people there except two acted like they could barely stand this old biker being there, and so I was about to leave. Glad I hadn't at least for the 20 minutes I got to chat with HER. Her being Lexi. I knew she was not there because of the Uinta View Wards gathering , but to attend a party for fellow a Knyte who passed away, this past week. Lexi was so great looking flat outshown every woman there in both looks , poise and kindness. If only I could, but heart and all belongs to another now, but can't say I didn't secretly wanted to take a long walk with here to a more secluded place in that park. What I find strange is that of all people that would be there while I was there, and all was her. I mean this I think was no accident. What I also found was the fact it took an outsider of the Church to at least do more than recognize that I was even there. Sure Travis and his Dad said howdy, but would it have hurt any of the rest of them to at least be a bit warmer. Like I said on my cyber radio show earlier this morning, when the Bishop or whoever does the opening monologue to services each week and, says, " We welcome you this morning, hope you truly feel welcome." Is just plain BS. Sure I might have rubbed a bad sore with ones daughter when I got there, but what the hell did I know? No name tag or age on her blouse. BTW now days she dresses much more conservatetivly . Outside of her, tipped a fine job, thing to another returned lady missionary, but that was forgiven. At least on the surface. Bottom line, from now on as far as Church, I'm going to Sacrament meeting and Sunday School class. No more Priesthood, and dang well no more social functions. I might have to ROS(Remain on Station) for 8 more months here, but the seeing of here in my rearview mirror, is going to be the more joyful of all my life's happenings. Just like I said on the show, I put LDS away at age 18. And outside of a few more attempts to re-enter the denomination, the door has been slammed or at least firmly closed and the wagons circled.
All the time I lived in Twin Falls for the two years I was there, never went to Church at least LDS , never got a visit from a Home teacher or anyone from the church, bottom line it ain't for me. Oh I still study my scriptures and all, but do I need to go to a place that flat out lies? Okay maybe not flat out, but don't shake my hand or be kind on the surface, and cuss me under your breath and from the back of your mind. My church is; the Amalgamated Church of Dixie and shall remain such. Maybe its time to readdress that excommunication idea again.
When my friend Nate, Rick, and even Lexi treats me better than the people who are SUPPOSED to be Saints, does that not sound like the same gunk being bellered by those in DC?
8 months and counting.
Wednesday, August 31, 2016
Tuesday, August 30, 2016
When reality hits you up the head and bites you by the wallet
Today, I got the happy news that the place in Montpelier Idaho and all could still be had and that I am approved. Yet sadly after putting pencil to paper and prayer I found that I am bound to stay put, no matter the stress. First the ability to recruit let alone hire to take over as GM of KKOD/HazzardAyre Radio, just is not here. There's a reason that the local other OTA station here, does not have LIVE anchors is there are none, and what few there is, wont work for a station tethered to a bikers club . Second, the shop. It's been since 2012 that I have had a working shop to tool on my trucks, toew, as well as build and service customers bikes. Means stay put. Beyond that I was not figuring in utilities, rent on an office for KKOD/HazzardAyre all of it puts me each month at -$127.00 . Plus, is Montpelier, albeit in Idaho, but is Montpelier all that better than Evanston Wyoming? Would it not make much more sense the weather the winter here, make some money this winter toewing, then come May after NAB in Las Vegas(not missing it next year) plus getting married at Sturgis in August next year. Then moving direct to Twin Falls, rather than keep dodging the bullet and just dancing around where this gig, if needed to be transplanted again be better off going straight to where it started? Add to that, the ability to take a tire kicking mission to metro Salt Lake City, experience Google 1g+ there and see where that goes, be better than venturing off like the idiot I was coming here to begin with.
There are many lessons I learned while serving in the Marines. The major one is if you start something see it through, the Marine moto is do or die. I did not come here from Metro Utah, freeze my butt off, and go through all I have, just to leave with my tail tucked between my legs.
So for now I'm staying put right here in rusty, stuck-up, slow to accept new out of the box thinking, and finishing the things I started. Plus Rick is joining up with me again, and as long as its just he and I and no or few outsiders this can work. I'm where I need to be.
Okay then. Ahead warp 5, make it so. Those words are going to be heard all over the Salt Palace again this coming weekend. Comicconn is in the big SLC and from rumors heard both Captain Kirk's will be there this year. So been working on figuring out what costume I'm going to wear, should I go as a Klingon? Or Bobby from SOA?
Haven't made my mind up yet. What was funny, and is funny is how many people can't do the V shaped Vulcan salute. Even one of the people hosting one of FX's movie reviews couldn't the other evening. It's not that difficult, even I can do it.
There are many lessons I learned while serving in the Marines. The major one is if you start something see it through, the Marine moto is do or die. I did not come here from Metro Utah, freeze my butt off, and go through all I have, just to leave with my tail tucked between my legs.
So for now I'm staying put right here in rusty, stuck-up, slow to accept new out of the box thinking, and finishing the things I started. Plus Rick is joining up with me again, and as long as its just he and I and no or few outsiders this can work. I'm where I need to be.
Okay then. Ahead warp 5, make it so. Those words are going to be heard all over the Salt Palace again this coming weekend. Comicconn is in the big SLC and from rumors heard both Captain Kirk's will be there this year. So been working on figuring out what costume I'm going to wear, should I go as a Klingon? Or Bobby from SOA?

Now for a piece of sad news. One of the Knytes has passed away. Bryan Keller of Evanston Wyoming, passed away due to a swimming accident. Bryan was the latest addition to the Club, and will be sadly missed. I met Bryan the first time when he first started working at Lotty's here in Evanston. He knew Tammy and all the rest. We reunited at Sud's Brothers here when I first returned to Evanston, and became close over the last two years. In May this year , Bryan was voted on as to be a patched member, pending his Prospect term. Services will be this weekend .
As such in honor of Bryan, this twilight , KKOD/HazzardAyre is quiet, a night of silence. See ya'll at 17:00
Monday, August 29, 2016
So lets start a church and so we did. The story behind the Amalgamated Church of Dixie
Some day I'm going to write a book on all this, but on this early morning, I had a inquiry on where the Club stood on religion, and where the Amalgamated Church of Dixie started. The name came from one episode of the Dukes-of-Hazzard where this con man named Rayford Flicker, was peddling Bibles in the name of the Amalgamated Church of Dixie Charities. The object of course was to frame the Dukes and so on, however that wasn't the core of our agenda. In 2007 residing in Pocatello, that's in Idaho, after feeling rejected by all the upity stuck up LDS and other organized congregations in that area, the eastern Idaho Sub Charter got together for some Bible Study and so on, and one of the members suggested we start a church of mainly bikers, truckers and all around gearheaded redneck confederates. So how do we find a preacher? Found I could be a preacher by taking an online course so I did, and in the back of a aircraft hangar in American Falls Idaho, we started having weekend services. Once I had relocated to Twin Falls Idaho, and working for Charlie I went to many churches, but found many all to judgemental, so down at the rest area off of US 30 just outside of Hazzard, Idaho, the Knytes and WolfPack, began to meet on Saturday's sing hymns, preach the word, partake of the Lords supper, And so that goes.
After finding the warmth of some of the almighty church goers here and not many knowing of what scriptures they do read or why something is the way it is, rather than what it ought to be, and all the Knytes are considering having services on Saturday's out at Hazzard County Choppers , no fuss, no ties, fancy suits, or fronters , just praise Jesus, honor and learn Heavenly Fathers commands and all, sing a few hymns .
So that's that, on that.
See ya'll at high noon on the radio.
After finding the warmth of some of the almighty church goers here and not many knowing of what scriptures they do read or why something is the way it is, rather than what it ought to be, and all the Knytes are considering having services on Saturday's out at Hazzard County Choppers , no fuss, no ties, fancy suits, or fronters , just praise Jesus, honor and learn Heavenly Fathers commands and all, sing a few hymns .
So that's that, on that.
See ya'll at high noon on the radio.
Saturday, August 27, 2016
Women for some reason are still too timid to show their feet and toes
I was scanning over this page on Facebook and saw many fine lady chassis's but what I found and find most often, with the so called slightly racy pics is that all too often the pic even barefoot, never hardly shows them with no shoes. I want to see those tiny little digits that when cared for and pampered can and should look like sweet tiny marshmellows. So cute you just want to kiss em and dunk em in your cocoa. I mean why not show the feet and toes? Is there some big reason or a taboo or something that says, " We can show the tits and twat , but don't show the feet and toes without shoes on em" . Why should it bother a lady? This is not the first time I have ran into this. Even in our photo sessions there's this babbling that one should not relish in the lower limbs, nor should one crave the rave of a nicely pedicured set of feet and toes in or out of nylon hose. Granted feet and the playing with them is of the more private intimate realm, but dig this, even if they're shown in a porn book, or website, the feet and toes always are encased in 8 inch heels or prancer style heels. One of the things we as a creative crew set out to do even back in the older days of shooting bikes and trucks with hotter flesh posing with them was to show that some of the most forgotten parts of a woman's body that is usually ignored, but looks so spiffy. Not just the feet, and I'm more into this these days, but too big a beak or nose. I can't stand big , long witch or clown noses. They take away from what ought to be a great face. I really get into tiny little button noses, that are so dang cute ya just got to love em, plus it gets the face in balance. A big long honker just makes go, puke. Of all the perfect noses I have seen, the ones that stand out are of Selena Gomez, Kerri Russell, and Dove Cameron, (Liv & Maddie-Disney channel). I'm sure there are others, but those are the ones that just wanted me to give em a smooch.
Okay last here.
Since all those women's magazines don't cover this, how about a few experts , not I cuz I ain't no expert on this, but an expert write a damn blog or article somewhere that can help us men , deal with women during that time of the month when Mother nature calls? Guys get this condition and we get grumpy, but we find a bottle and solve the problem. Women go way off center and start thinking they're not pretty, that they're men are cheating, and oh the list goes on. Hell women can murder someone, go into court and claim they're on they're period and get away with it. And you all want a lady in the White House that has her fingers on the big red buttons? Of course this relates, sort of.
Yesterday in researching topics, I watched that series on A&E which owns Lifetime Network. but they did a day long run of Escaping from Polygamy .
maybe you have seen this series. I watch for several reasons, one to see if one of em, is somewhere that I have towed from a house in that neighborhood. Remember I used to tow in Salt Lake City and immediate area. I also watch to see what hottie needs rescuing, and think, hey I'll get her out of there. Course now wouldn't act on anything as I'm tied to SheWolf, but I think and this darling is having troubles? Where are the studs in Utah? Oh yea right, forgot, there are none left in Salt Lake City or at least northern Utah. That area is corrupted and occupied by queers, blacks Hispanics and dopers. No real men. Of course one has to give the guys these women lived with credit. Any man who can live with more than one woman in the house, that is not their daughter, should not be totally condemned , they should be rewarded. Trust me, one woman each month on the rag is bad enough, 7 or 8 in one house. You would seriously need >
I know I do with just one woman and that's enough. Any mile catch you in the AM on
Okay last here.
Since all those women's magazines don't cover this, how about a few experts , not I cuz I ain't no expert on this, but an expert write a damn blog or article somewhere that can help us men , deal with women during that time of the month when Mother nature calls? Guys get this condition and we get grumpy, but we find a bottle and solve the problem. Women go way off center and start thinking they're not pretty, that they're men are cheating, and oh the list goes on. Hell women can murder someone, go into court and claim they're on they're period and get away with it. And you all want a lady in the White House that has her fingers on the big red buttons? Of course this relates, sort of.
Yesterday in researching topics, I watched that series on A&E which owns Lifetime Network. but they did a day long run of Escaping from Polygamy .

Talk about double standards Woman can, man can't if man does she ask's who is she?
The dishwasher churns, the night burns and so does a bunch of forest lands. The valley near here in Evanston is covered in smoke and if your outside long you choke. Went out earlier yesternight. the club had its usual meeting at our shop here, and so we roasted a oinker with some good beans, taters and gravy, cold buttermilk it was good. Cept I ate way too much Bar-b-que ribs, and am suffering. Finally broke the fever for a bit. its down to 101 so doing okay. Why do people who mobilize themselves with such tools once luxuries as a cell phone and either never set up their voicemail, or answer the damn phone? For about 5 months me and my Shelly have been doing the texting shuffle, to the point the numberpad on my old cell phone is about wore out? Then went to her Facebook page to find I had not been added. Which would be nice so I could chat with her that way. But after a slight miscommunication I tried to call her. Guess what, got the recording, that said this person's voicemail has not been set up yet. Try again later. Hello, is there something I'm missing here?
Okay I'm off topic.
Then She put's this thing up of a thumping heart, I tell her I think someone's horny, she comes back with I took care of that earlier. Seems as though , that's okay for women to have a dream lover be it their hubby's or another guy, but if we have a wet dream or such, its 20 questions of who is she? I have but 3 I fantasize over, one is the always erotic Selena Gomez, no red blooded American male that's a real man would or could turn that away if the condition became available for real. Then there is at least for me; Reese Witherspoon, and of course now days Tomi Lahren of BlazeTV, she just melts my brain. Think it don't say it. However here's an example of how this plays out. Guy and wife goes into a food store. As you go in this super jock comes in and says howdy to your lady and that's okay, You being the alpha male you are , are just supposed to push that away, and not be to possessive . However, if a rather hot honey walks up and says howdy to you and talks business from the office for a short, it's, "Where do you know her from? Who is she? Oh she has the perfect body, you just like her more than me" And so on. Do you ever think of Sheldon Cooper of the Big Bang Theory? If there's some concept of human nature he does not understand? He starts to put it down, or lay out a whole tyraid over it. Leonard always says, " Oh good, here we go again" Its the same crap, just a different day or hour. It has been suggested in many ways that men are territorial, believe me, no creature except may a lioness is more territorial than a human wife over her guy and home. Insecurities and life histories aside men , us male corpuscles are like a performance V8, give us a bit of a spark and we are ready for action. Men are turned on all the time. It does not take much at any age to get us all aroused . Women though are like a diesel. It takes them longer to get warmed up and churning, but once you do they will go for hours upon hours. The age old comment in a home, of my , if that were under me I could nail her all night long, such as a starlet from TV or film, in reality, for most of us guys, we are good for maybe 3 to 5 minutes and that's being generious, at best. Few guys can with hold ejaculating for any longer than about 6 minutes and that's on a good night. It's just how we are wired.
Any mile, this old Wolf needs sleep.
Okay I'm off topic.
Then She put's this thing up of a thumping heart, I tell her I think someone's horny, she comes back with I took care of that earlier. Seems as though , that's okay for women to have a dream lover be it their hubby's or another guy, but if we have a wet dream or such, its 20 questions of who is she? I have but 3 I fantasize over, one is the always erotic Selena Gomez, no red blooded American male that's a real man would or could turn that away if the condition became available for real. Then there is at least for me; Reese Witherspoon, and of course now days Tomi Lahren of BlazeTV, she just melts my brain. Think it don't say it. However here's an example of how this plays out. Guy and wife goes into a food store. As you go in this super jock comes in and says howdy to your lady and that's okay, You being the alpha male you are , are just supposed to push that away, and not be to possessive . However, if a rather hot honey walks up and says howdy to you and talks business from the office for a short, it's, "Where do you know her from? Who is she? Oh she has the perfect body, you just like her more than me" And so on. Do you ever think of Sheldon Cooper of the Big Bang Theory? If there's some concept of human nature he does not understand? He starts to put it down, or lay out a whole tyraid over it. Leonard always says, " Oh good, here we go again" Its the same crap, just a different day or hour. It has been suggested in many ways that men are territorial, believe me, no creature except may a lioness is more territorial than a human wife over her guy and home. Insecurities and life histories aside men , us male corpuscles are like a performance V8, give us a bit of a spark and we are ready for action. Men are turned on all the time. It does not take much at any age to get us all aroused . Women though are like a diesel. It takes them longer to get warmed up and churning, but once you do they will go for hours upon hours. The age old comment in a home, of my , if that were under me I could nail her all night long, such as a starlet from TV or film, in reality, for most of us guys, we are good for maybe 3 to 5 minutes and that's being generious, at best. Few guys can with hold ejaculating for any longer than about 6 minutes and that's on a good night. It's just how we are wired.
Any mile, this old Wolf needs sleep.
Thursday, August 25, 2016
Another night of I was but said to hell with it.
Good morning. Tech headaches and a terrible stomach coupled with me getting a fever of near 102 overnight caused me to just cover my tired old body in a blanket, turn on the Disney Channel and crash. I sleep best with the TV , ON! Not off. So I just said to heck with the radio gig, didn't even make it to the shop today, but at lease I am in tune with my next course of action on LexiBelle's illumination maladies.
When such things that occured overnight happen, I think, my would it not be keen to have somebody I trust slip in and do this show for me. Especially a lady radio personality. But any time I start to seriously get to recruiting, my lady SheWolf Shelly, gets this jealous twinge that drives, not just a putt up the damn side of the wall. She bitches about the turtles pace progress on the movie, or other things , that might involve me even looking at let alone smelling or tasting another lady, and she gets depressed and starts going off, worse than Sheldon Cooper from Big Bang Theory, on oh I am fat, ugly, and don't have the hot body and so on. I told her the other night, its not what you got its how you use it. I myself am no GQ guy, my gut is big , so big in fact it bends over my belt. My legs are chunky, I'm loosing my hair, what hair I do have is snow white, and I'm getting old, real old, and I feel it. The old days of 49 and 72 hours shit is near over. When night or evening hits, all I want is dinner, some TV and bed.
That said, I'm intelligent , more so than many, my memory is always spot on, I am fortunate enough to have not to have went through abuse and a host of domestic abnormaladies , rather a life of sheer luxury, created by damn hard work, in farm fields, as well as buckling down in school. While I'm no super tech at the shop, show me how to do something once or point me in the right direction of what's up and I'm on it like a hummingbird is to a bowl of sugar water. Sure I might not have a whole heap amount of school smarts or even street smarts, but I have Kountry farm smarts . I'd like to see a few of these city folk deliver a calf, inverted. I'd like to see most of em even milk a cow. Or shoe a horse. I can. Most couldn't even feed a small calf a bottle of milk or assemble a feed bottle from a rubber glove and a pop bottle. I can. Sure I am out of shape, in school or even a youth to even now, I'm not a muscle bound jock, I'm more of a kountry Harley ridding, toew trucki nerd. But I like myself. Which is something I'm trying to teach Shelly. No matter who insults you, other people will only like you, if you like yourself. Don't be afraid to get out and meet people. Do what makes your heart and mind sing. Don't just say I can't and quit. I told Shelly last night , the reason the few people that like me and the few that don't are jealous of me, is I'm not afraid of going after something I want or desire. Sure I might fall down and fail with my face in the mud, but I can be happy because at least I made the attempt. If you like a woman or as it was in Hazzard High, sure she might be out of my ability, but she can only tell me no so many times. Eventually she has to either say yes or call the cops for stalking, but I can say I went after it. Just like when I went out on my own with the support of the club, but on my own, with doing our own radio station beyond a low watt FM and syndication, everybody told me from my Cousin Bud to my Mom and my school counselor said you'll never make it. It took me years to figure out how to get a radio of sorts gig online. But I stayed at it. Guess what I have two channels one on and one of 9 on . Had I gave up neither would have happened. Same with getting an over the air station on here in western Wyoming. I made the decision on putting old KEVA to be called KKOD AM 1240 on the air, and I'm determined to stick it out. Just like the toew gig. When I told Mom that's something I wanted to do, she told me I had a hole in my screen door. But I stayed after that goal when I turned 19 on my birthday in 1978 between what money I made driving LexiBelle for the original owner , he offered her to me so Mom and I pooled money, and Bamm What? I had LexiBelle. The rest is history. After my first year doing that my number came up to go into the Marines. I wanted to fly. Mom said that'll never happen. But I took the tests, went to PeensyCola Florida, and in May 1982 I was in Yuma Arizona flying backup helicopter for the VMA214 BlackSheep. After 1983 with Mom gone I got stationed in Yuma or Reserve Active Duty, which meant two weeks and Three months a year. So I did my duty with the production company of the Dukes-of-Hazzard with a bit of help to producer Skip Ward, got a rookie job there , but hey I was there, became that shows family member and I was (no pun intended) in Hogg Heaven. Bottom line Shelly, if you want something you go get it. Then came the Airwolf thing. The Dukes set and in reality the Airwolf set is only two blocks away from each other. One is in Warner Brothers, the other inside Universal Studios. So after the Dukes, took lunch at Universal's lunch room, talked to the powers that be, and got a gig on that lot. Started writing on an IBM selectric typewriter. The executive writers liked my ideas and started incorporating those ideas into scripts. Soon after I was writing entire episodes. Its something I wanted, so I went and got it. It's just like the title song sung by Ray Stevens no less of the movie Cannon Ball Run says, It's not what you got its how you use it. Create your own sense of style. If someone gives you a dare take it, if there's a mountain in front of you move it. The worst is you fall flat on your ass, at best you win and ya'll can give em all that great one fingered salute
You just have to do it. Like I saw in a poster on a wall in a Church once. It read, " I know I'm special, because God don't make junk." God doesn't give people things he doesn't want us to use, for me it was extra smarts what ever it is, its something you keep down in your gut. So what you have to step on a few others toes to get there. If the situation was reversed , bet your next tune up, they'll step on yours too. Any way took more meds. See ya'll this evening on cyber radio.
When such things that occured overnight happen, I think, my would it not be keen to have somebody I trust slip in and do this show for me. Especially a lady radio personality. But any time I start to seriously get to recruiting, my lady SheWolf Shelly, gets this jealous twinge that drives, not just a putt up the damn side of the wall. She bitches about the turtles pace progress on the movie, or other things , that might involve me even looking at let alone smelling or tasting another lady, and she gets depressed and starts going off, worse than Sheldon Cooper from Big Bang Theory, on oh I am fat, ugly, and don't have the hot body and so on. I told her the other night, its not what you got its how you use it. I myself am no GQ guy, my gut is big , so big in fact it bends over my belt. My legs are chunky, I'm loosing my hair, what hair I do have is snow white, and I'm getting old, real old, and I feel it. The old days of 49 and 72 hours shit is near over. When night or evening hits, all I want is dinner, some TV and bed.
That said, I'm intelligent , more so than many, my memory is always spot on, I am fortunate enough to have not to have went through abuse and a host of domestic abnormaladies , rather a life of sheer luxury, created by damn hard work, in farm fields, as well as buckling down in school. While I'm no super tech at the shop, show me how to do something once or point me in the right direction of what's up and I'm on it like a hummingbird is to a bowl of sugar water. Sure I might not have a whole heap amount of school smarts or even street smarts, but I have Kountry farm smarts . I'd like to see a few of these city folk deliver a calf, inverted. I'd like to see most of em even milk a cow. Or shoe a horse. I can. Most couldn't even feed a small calf a bottle of milk or assemble a feed bottle from a rubber glove and a pop bottle. I can. Sure I am out of shape, in school or even a youth to even now, I'm not a muscle bound jock, I'm more of a kountry Harley ridding, toew trucki nerd. But I like myself. Which is something I'm trying to teach Shelly. No matter who insults you, other people will only like you, if you like yourself. Don't be afraid to get out and meet people. Do what makes your heart and mind sing. Don't just say I can't and quit. I told Shelly last night , the reason the few people that like me and the few that don't are jealous of me, is I'm not afraid of going after something I want or desire. Sure I might fall down and fail with my face in the mud, but I can be happy because at least I made the attempt. If you like a woman or as it was in Hazzard High, sure she might be out of my ability, but she can only tell me no so many times. Eventually she has to either say yes or call the cops for stalking, but I can say I went after it. Just like when I went out on my own with the support of the club, but on my own, with doing our own radio station beyond a low watt FM and syndication, everybody told me from my Cousin Bud to my Mom and my school counselor said you'll never make it. It took me years to figure out how to get a radio of sorts gig online. But I stayed at it. Guess what I have two channels one on and one of 9 on . Had I gave up neither would have happened. Same with getting an over the air station on here in western Wyoming. I made the decision on putting old KEVA to be called KKOD AM 1240 on the air, and I'm determined to stick it out. Just like the toew gig. When I told Mom that's something I wanted to do, she told me I had a hole in my screen door. But I stayed after that goal when I turned 19 on my birthday in 1978 between what money I made driving LexiBelle for the original owner , he offered her to me so Mom and I pooled money, and Bamm What? I had LexiBelle. The rest is history. After my first year doing that my number came up to go into the Marines. I wanted to fly. Mom said that'll never happen. But I took the tests, went to PeensyCola Florida, and in May 1982 I was in Yuma Arizona flying backup helicopter for the VMA214 BlackSheep. After 1983 with Mom gone I got stationed in Yuma or Reserve Active Duty, which meant two weeks and Three months a year. So I did my duty with the production company of the Dukes-of-Hazzard with a bit of help to producer Skip Ward, got a rookie job there , but hey I was there, became that shows family member and I was (no pun intended) in Hogg Heaven. Bottom line Shelly, if you want something you go get it. Then came the Airwolf thing. The Dukes set and in reality the Airwolf set is only two blocks away from each other. One is in Warner Brothers, the other inside Universal Studios. So after the Dukes, took lunch at Universal's lunch room, talked to the powers that be, and got a gig on that lot. Started writing on an IBM selectric typewriter. The executive writers liked my ideas and started incorporating those ideas into scripts. Soon after I was writing entire episodes. Its something I wanted, so I went and got it. It's just like the title song sung by Ray Stevens no less of the movie Cannon Ball Run says, It's not what you got its how you use it. Create your own sense of style. If someone gives you a dare take it, if there's a mountain in front of you move it. The worst is you fall flat on your ass, at best you win and ya'll can give em all that great one fingered salute

Wednesday, August 24, 2016
Many try to copy, few duplicate, most loose.
Had a need to jump back on for another entry, and yes this will also be on our show, on: , and that is the many who just find a need to either copy, or try to better the originals. We started with one or two pages and I think 3 groups on Facebook. Most of which were all directed to the Dukes-of-Hazzard and our part of that experience, and one of and for the Confederacy, both its history as well as today. As our organization has grown so to has our pages and groups grown. But that rebel flag and Hazzard County, is always in the heart of it.
I was on Facebook just a tad ago, and saw one group called Welcome to Hazzard County, its a good group, but lacks the kazing that any of ours does. More over there is no Hazzard County news, just another fan group. Then I saw an ad pop up of a group called the Confederacy of FaceBook. Really? Complete with our flag of Dixie behind the title. All quite rude and a complete copy of our page called The United Confederate States Of America. A group and page dedicated to allowing the Confederacy to reach well Coast to Coast. Just like our online radio shows all with the title starting with HazzardAyre or Cooter's in that title.
Volkswagen had an ad series out in 1979 that went why buy a copy when you can have the original? Sure you can go take a gander at the others, but they will never satisfy you like we do. Likewise like ours does.
I was on Facebook just a tad ago, and saw one group called Welcome to Hazzard County, its a good group, but lacks the kazing that any of ours does. More over there is no Hazzard County news, just another fan group. Then I saw an ad pop up of a group called the Confederacy of FaceBook. Really? Complete with our flag of Dixie behind the title. All quite rude and a complete copy of our page called The United Confederate States Of America. A group and page dedicated to allowing the Confederacy to reach well Coast to Coast. Just like our online radio shows all with the title starting with HazzardAyre or Cooter's in that title.
Volkswagen had an ad series out in 1979 that went why buy a copy when you can have the original? Sure you can go take a gander at the others, but they will never satisfy you like we do. Likewise like ours does.
America Is becoming not only more stupid , but more arrogant. We'll be talking on this , this afternoon on HazzardAyre Coast2Coast FM
Before I get into the think of my rant, let me put some light on the subject.
Earlier Tuesday evening, I went to my local Wal-Mart store here in Evanston Wyoming. After fetching my items I went to the checkstand where upon the lady , who knows if she's new or not, but a well seasoned woman none the less, told me that I had to tell her if the purchase was on a EBT card or not. So I brought this up with one there I trust just a few ago, and she tells me that the screen tells her if it's an EBT, Credit or debit card etc. That I should not have to disclose the method of payment as that is a violation of my privacy. So in the AM after the show , I'm going down and explain the problem. The cashier may, or may not have a job there much longer, if she does, she'll be a helluva lot more kind.
This is not the fill of it. I went to McDonalds. Apparently my barking is paying off. They threw out the bad fish patties for the Filet of Fish sandwiches , they're putting the gals that have eye candy more in front, and the not so in the back and drive thru, and after the discussion, I had with one of the head cats that was up from Ogden, Utah which owns the one here in Evanston, Wyo, 5 employees walked out with bad looks on their faces. Can you say job openings? Then if that don't snooker your lard, dig this; went into a familiar name brand parts store today. bought two 1157 bulbs for LexiBelle, gave the young kid a $10 spot, he could not figure out that he owed me, $4.84 back. Even with the computer telling him so. Really friends? Is this what the next generation is going to be like? We better get that self managing and self repairing computer tech going soon. So the planet can replace these young not so swift people.
It can be argued, it's bad education because of bad Government. It could be argued that youth don't do enough physical activity that gives their brains a kick in their butts, more over their brains. There are tons of reasons, more like excuses.
Real life, is not the well adjusted youth we see on the Disney Channel. Class rooms don't operate like the one on Girl Meets World, But can we get down to reality? Our kids not taught proper right versus wrong values at home. Parents do not do home education like mine did. My Mom would make me read at least one chapter of any book I chose, but read that chapter before I went to bed. I still watched TV and all, but I learned. Granted Math was my hardest subject(still is sometimes) But I can still add, subtract, and work math out on a piece of paper if the need comes. Today if its not ran by a computer, our kids can't even wake up in the morning tie their shoes and take a piss. We need to fix this. No matter who sits in the White House, me I'm praying Hilary wins, but that's my own opinion. I'm not saying she perfect, but shes the least of the two evils. Then I was down at Nate's this evening, and his employee Justin kept interrupting . One time I told him not to interrupt your elders. He got the message. If Nate had not been there , I would have explained to him quite plainly why you should not interrupt someone much older and lots smarter than he is. But our youth have no idea of common courtesy. If I had been sticking in my mouth like Justin did, or as some do, my Mom or Dad would have flat backhanded me. No questions.
Okay off the subject.
Got turn signals and brake lights no park or tail lights on LexiBelle. So its to to do a rewire workaround. run the damn things hot. two wires one for tail light, one for marker lights, two switches in the cab. Ordered a Painless harness and new fuse block, for LexiBelle, but this should get me rolling again until I have time to do the full rewire.
Any mile its time to get our youth's and populations brains flowing with that gray matter again.
Earlier Tuesday evening, I went to my local Wal-Mart store here in Evanston Wyoming. After fetching my items I went to the checkstand where upon the lady , who knows if she's new or not, but a well seasoned woman none the less, told me that I had to tell her if the purchase was on a EBT card or not. So I brought this up with one there I trust just a few ago, and she tells me that the screen tells her if it's an EBT, Credit or debit card etc. That I should not have to disclose the method of payment as that is a violation of my privacy. So in the AM after the show , I'm going down and explain the problem. The cashier may, or may not have a job there much longer, if she does, she'll be a helluva lot more kind.
This is not the fill of it. I went to McDonalds. Apparently my barking is paying off. They threw out the bad fish patties for the Filet of Fish sandwiches , they're putting the gals that have eye candy more in front, and the not so in the back and drive thru, and after the discussion, I had with one of the head cats that was up from Ogden, Utah which owns the one here in Evanston, Wyo, 5 employees walked out with bad looks on their faces. Can you say job openings? Then if that don't snooker your lard, dig this; went into a familiar name brand parts store today. bought two 1157 bulbs for LexiBelle, gave the young kid a $10 spot, he could not figure out that he owed me, $4.84 back. Even with the computer telling him so. Really friends? Is this what the next generation is going to be like? We better get that self managing and self repairing computer tech going soon. So the planet can replace these young not so swift people.
It can be argued, it's bad education because of bad Government. It could be argued that youth don't do enough physical activity that gives their brains a kick in their butts, more over their brains. There are tons of reasons, more like excuses.
Real life, is not the well adjusted youth we see on the Disney Channel. Class rooms don't operate like the one on Girl Meets World, But can we get down to reality? Our kids not taught proper right versus wrong values at home. Parents do not do home education like mine did. My Mom would make me read at least one chapter of any book I chose, but read that chapter before I went to bed. I still watched TV and all, but I learned. Granted Math was my hardest subject(still is sometimes) But I can still add, subtract, and work math out on a piece of paper if the need comes. Today if its not ran by a computer, our kids can't even wake up in the morning tie their shoes and take a piss. We need to fix this. No matter who sits in the White House, me I'm praying Hilary wins, but that's my own opinion. I'm not saying she perfect, but shes the least of the two evils. Then I was down at Nate's this evening, and his employee Justin kept interrupting . One time I told him not to interrupt your elders. He got the message. If Nate had not been there , I would have explained to him quite plainly why you should not interrupt someone much older and lots smarter than he is. But our youth have no idea of common courtesy. If I had been sticking in my mouth like Justin did, or as some do, my Mom or Dad would have flat backhanded me. No questions.
Okay off the subject.
Got turn signals and brake lights no park or tail lights on LexiBelle. So its to to do a rewire workaround. run the damn things hot. two wires one for tail light, one for marker lights, two switches in the cab. Ordered a Painless harness and new fuse block, for LexiBelle, but this should get me rolling again until I have time to do the full rewire.
Any mile its time to get our youth's and populations brains flowing with that gray matter again.
Saturday, August 20, 2016
I think I overdid it a bit last night
Oh what a few drinks do to a mans head, not to mention stomache. Last night before we were to air on our channel, I started a system scan to find a little computer pest that's invading my old Betsy here. So since that takes a spell, figure go up to Legal Tender with a couple of our guys and have a Johnny Tightlips steak, and a brew. That Johnny Tightlips is a medium sized steak that when cooked extreme welldone with the spuds and gravy is just right for my appetite. So Up I went. Got there didn't see any body I knew. So while eating my clam chowder sour saw Jonny Pentz. followed by good old Pam and a few. Didn't go take a peak, nor investigate my dealings there are done. But this started the reunion. So saw Donna, whose voice can melt ice, her melodic singing voice really should be recorded. But any way gave her a shout, here she came over talked a bit, then after I ate and all meandered over to the bar. Started with a beer, seem as though we have a new crop of hotties there that need to be harvested. So got to talking, and decided to be adventurous and got my Lynchburg Lemonade. The concocsion may sound easy, but few know how to combine the ingrediants just right. Donna did, and tanked that down watched the Dallas/Dolphins game there for a bit longer. When Pam and her bunch decided to hover overhead I decided it was time to head here to the Wolf's Lair. So got here, and heaved just about everything in my stomache into both the toilet, then the kitchen sink. Yes I cleaned it all up, but I was pukey all night long and now just in recover mode. Will be on air this evening as usual in the usual places.
But yes, we made our first ad sale here yesterday. Cat calls up who fixes cars down near our old shop. Told him our ad rates, he agreed, and came over to the Wolf's Lair. Gave me a $100.00 for the month and as soon as I recover will carve out the ad script and be on air with it Monday night.
After the week I have had with the AllWest bill, now fully paid ty to the Knytes, then a couple computer problems, plus staffing problems, I needed last night. Thing is it smelled and tasted good, but now feeling its sting. Again today in recovery mode.
Then saw that Andrea, one of our budding interns wants to rejoin the AyreWolf A-Team. Which is fine, but several questions enter in. First how sure is she in rejoining our team? Second is she dedicated enough to make the scheme dream happen? and Three, how flexible is she? The reason I'm trying to find a domestic resident person here is, the radio station must stay here, but I do not. As such I've pretty much determined that HCC/Cooter's A1 along with myself and eventually Shelly will move to Montpelier or there abouts. But the radio op, can stay here under the roof, of a facility owned by my landlord of the shop. So I need someone to mother hen over the radio station, and keep the candles lit on that here in Evanston. Andrea if she got her head screwed on straight could be that person.
Last this morning. One of the Security guards at the Legal who is a good friend of mine, and I were talking of fixing up his Toyota pickup. The conversation flowed out to the discovery that sweet Lexi
is still living here and working for a tiny sports bar. Oops near said sports bra. (maybe she wears one?) the talk is, she has maybe to sell a S-10 Blazer that has a 4.3l-V6 in it. Not only the engine, but the doors, and those treasured bucket seats would be Heavenly, so am going to see if I can move to smooze to buy the little rig from her. The parts woul go purrfect in LiL Wolf
So any way, going to get away from this direct sunlight here, like I said I think I overdid it a bit last night and now for a few hours am in recovery mode.
But yes, we made our first ad sale here yesterday. Cat calls up who fixes cars down near our old shop. Told him our ad rates, he agreed, and came over to the Wolf's Lair. Gave me a $100.00 for the month and as soon as I recover will carve out the ad script and be on air with it Monday night.
After the week I have had with the AllWest bill, now fully paid ty to the Knytes, then a couple computer problems, plus staffing problems, I needed last night. Thing is it smelled and tasted good, but now feeling its sting. Again today in recovery mode.
Then saw that Andrea, one of our budding interns wants to rejoin the AyreWolf A-Team. Which is fine, but several questions enter in. First how sure is she in rejoining our team? Second is she dedicated enough to make the scheme dream happen? and Three, how flexible is she? The reason I'm trying to find a domestic resident person here is, the radio station must stay here, but I do not. As such I've pretty much determined that HCC/Cooter's A1 along with myself and eventually Shelly will move to Montpelier or there abouts. But the radio op, can stay here under the roof, of a facility owned by my landlord of the shop. So I need someone to mother hen over the radio station, and keep the candles lit on that here in Evanston. Andrea if she got her head screwed on straight could be that person.
Last this morning. One of the Security guards at the Legal who is a good friend of mine, and I were talking of fixing up his Toyota pickup. The conversation flowed out to the discovery that sweet Lexi

Saturday, August 13, 2016
But Let's not cut our throats oh Fx 13 News be real or quit
And this is just another example of why I'm sure you'll agree , you love HazzardAyre.
Was watching FoX 13 News out of Utah, why we have to watch that when Evanston, is in WYOMING, not Utah. But so it goes there was one story, that I found sort of interesting. Seems there was this gig at a park down in Slick City that was helping people write their resignation letters to self excommunicate themselves from the LDS Church. Something I myself have been again thinking about. The final minute of the story said directions and a link will be on So I went there. What did I find? Nothing. Guess the webmaster there hasn't posted it yet, or the fact that even though the news department doesn't mind through manure at the presiding religious body of Utah , western Wyoming and all too much of Idaho, still FoX 13's ad and business execs , often call in and say , don't do it. Too many LDS Execs will boycott us.
One of the reasons many decry and dislike at least on the surface, all things HazzardAyre, is because , we don't care whose feet we step on, if its news, a view or a groove you really want to know about , HazzardAyre delivers, either online through a blog post, in print with OUR newspaper, or online/cyber radio. HazzardAyre is simply the secret in the dark for many around here, pleasure that few will say during the day, but can't get enough of overnight.
See ya'll at 03:00 .
Was watching FoX 13 News out of Utah, why we have to watch that when Evanston, is in WYOMING, not Utah. But so it goes there was one story, that I found sort of interesting. Seems there was this gig at a park down in Slick City that was helping people write their resignation letters to self excommunicate themselves from the LDS Church. Something I myself have been again thinking about. The final minute of the story said directions and a link will be on So I went there. What did I find? Nothing. Guess the webmaster there hasn't posted it yet, or the fact that even though the news department doesn't mind through manure at the presiding religious body of Utah , western Wyoming and all too much of Idaho, still FoX 13's ad and business execs , often call in and say , don't do it. Too many LDS Execs will boycott us.
One of the reasons many decry and dislike at least on the surface, all things HazzardAyre, is because , we don't care whose feet we step on, if its news, a view or a groove you really want to know about , HazzardAyre delivers, either online through a blog post, in print with OUR newspaper, or online/cyber radio. HazzardAyre is simply the secret in the dark for many around here, pleasure that few will say during the day, but can't get enough of overnight.
See ya'll at 03:00 .
FB is doing more than being a social site
Facebook was once a mere toy, a place where you went to tell others who you were balling, what frat parties you were going to or wished you were invited to, and so on. It also became a platform, for fraudsters to peddle their wares to get YOU to share your personal info with.
Due to some massive and not so massive law suits and impending regulatory requirements FaceBook is now doing more page, per page policing of its platform, to where very soon, you might want to consider going elsewhere. Just over the last oh 4 days or so I saw a posting of a Facebook page, focused on supposedly matchmaking of some of us southern kountry folks. It turned out to being as full of fraud and porn redirection as much of anything else up there. Here's one though that'll make you blow your nose, if your a business or a REAL organization and your not spending money , that is AD money with FB, watch how many pages and groups you can't access. I have always said there is and should be a new platoform that was not as picky as FB has become. But it's not just FB. Such services as Google's YouTube has become a bit too much controlling. Due to some grand copyright law suits, uploading ANYTHING that is known to be the creation of another or a copy of another work, either it wont get posted or if it does, there'll be no audio to it.
Had the flu for two days, plus last nigh kabonked myself in the head with a heavy duty starter. My hand slipped and kablam in my noggin it hit. So been sleepin serious like. Oh don't worry, I'll be on air just after church later.
To be of summary, if your not spending money with FB, expect to be ignored or at very least, FB will close and lock the door.
Due to some massive and not so massive law suits and impending regulatory requirements FaceBook is now doing more page, per page policing of its platform, to where very soon, you might want to consider going elsewhere. Just over the last oh 4 days or so I saw a posting of a Facebook page, focused on supposedly matchmaking of some of us southern kountry folks. It turned out to being as full of fraud and porn redirection as much of anything else up there. Here's one though that'll make you blow your nose, if your a business or a REAL organization and your not spending money , that is AD money with FB, watch how many pages and groups you can't access. I have always said there is and should be a new platoform that was not as picky as FB has become. But it's not just FB. Such services as Google's YouTube has become a bit too much controlling. Due to some grand copyright law suits, uploading ANYTHING that is known to be the creation of another or a copy of another work, either it wont get posted or if it does, there'll be no audio to it.
Had the flu for two days, plus last nigh kabonked myself in the head with a heavy duty starter. My hand slipped and kablam in my noggin it hit. So been sleepin serious like. Oh don't worry, I'll be on air just after church later.
To be of summary, if your not spending money with FB, expect to be ignored or at very least, FB will close and lock the door.
Friday, August 12, 2016
Since there is YouTube , why not have something like SoundTube or similar
We are all very aware and the impact of YouTube upon this culture of Millenials has not gone away from those that run YouTube. However much of that content has a visual component to it, that is not always in sync, or is totally silent. While there are services that are for audio streaming and HazzardAyre in on two of them, SoundCloud and Spreaker, still I'd like to see just a consumer/audiophile's version of YouTube that could be called something like SoundTube. No video only audio. Granted gaining the music treasures that are part of YouTube, might be a task, but a all music and or radio or both consumer site that is absolutely free at least to subscribe to and groove on, would be a concept that would make serious money. Sure there are subscription services like and Pandora but to catch the real tune grooves, you have to pony up at times serious cash out of your stash.
How about a SoundTube?
More on that on my show at 17:00 today, on : .
How about a SoundTube?
More on that on my show at 17:00 today, on : .
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