Of all the many women I have known and I have known many there's but a very small handful of women that have been at least brain wave ability to associate with. Or at least on my brain wave patterns. Of them all is Robin Whittaker, who was one of my trainees in Rupert Idaho on the station there. Followed by a gal named Joele Webster originally from Dubois Idaho, and then of course Erin aka Nurse GoodBody. My first wife CiCi and that's sum of them . The rest were while there physically were not there mentally.
Of course men are put together different. Although us men have some of the same equipment that women have, like a placenta yes a man if he can be furtilized can carry a baby, yes , a man can feed a baby through his breasts we carry that ability, and of course there's the monthly visitor. Men have it too, but I wonder should we have a female President, that has biological swings? To hell with building a wall between Mexico and the southern border of the Union, shoot all needs to happen is a Female President with her finger on that big red button, and BOOM there goes Mexico. If its not women out right its men trying to be women. These Transgender queers and all, its getting to the point that all of us real USDA Prime beefy male corpuscles to take cover and refuge, because one day the feminazi's are going to strike. Think not? Think this; I hear it all dang day on our Disney Channel program feeds , of shows from the Disney Channel. There's the tweens and teens being taught and soaking up the thoughts that women can do anything a man can. The reality is; no they can't. Want proof? The USMC has now had to restructure their entrance training aka boot camp, because some of the women, and such can't do what us men used to have to do when entering this branch of military service. To hell with GI Jane, Demi Moore couldn't do all that in real life in a Seals training program, hell she couldn't even shovel her walk way of snow, in Sun Valley Idaho. In fact I was one who did it for her. (hey I lived there and it was a few damn few extra bucks) , Fact is how can we reduce our fitness levels for the Marines? If the women want to enter and get equal treatment, train as equals, not press the DoD to reduce the stress level of that training. No more of this is an option to get your head shaved bald, When I went in you sat in a barbers chair and snip snap, buzz and you had no hair. You got up at 04:30 did PT , ate, marched, went to your classes, marched again, trained some more , then unless you had guard duty, you were in bed at 19:00 hours. That damn simple. Even if you did get liberty , you still got up . No , not today, the politically Correct Pentagon and DoD says we have to treat women recruits tenderly, and the wimpy guys ever so gently. Do you think an enemy is going to care ? Get real.
Then there is the equal pay for so called equal work. Even Hollywierd is bending this way. Actress's want equal pay and more aggressive roles to portray, I say hell yes, if their willing to take equal risk. Casnpoint. Here at HazzardAyre Radio. It's no big thing that if we post we are looking for LIVE on air anchor talent, guys WILL show up for interviews even do a sample show. Women say no way, something sexual might occur and thus wont show up or if they do wont return. Its the penus getting near the vagina syndrome . But they want equal pay anyway. What a bunch of whackadoodles.
Used to be the ultimate question, " Which came first the chicken or the egg?" Today its more like , " Which came first? The Penius or the Vagina?"
Women are a bit dumber these days, but it just might be a rouse , men take cover.
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