Can't confirm this but heard through channels that Belinda Baur Aka Gabriell on Airwolf, Strings on screen love committed suicide if this is true no where and no one I know has heard anything. I have calls into the Company to find out what I can. BTW; My beloved Shelly before she got together with me, was in a Facebook Fan page group. There were exchanged some meanness between my beloved to some fat cow, that might be putting up falsehoods, about Bellinda. So I will do some snooping.
Let you know on Tuesday's afternoon edition of HazzardAyre.
Okay then, we in the business have heard and as best as much as we can, have obeyed the FCC's CALM ACT, which means ads on both TV and Radio, has to be at the same volume level as the show that is running at the same time. Now then if its required of TV and Radio to obey this rule, does it apply to Internet? Like YouTube ? I was tuned into one of my play lists and this ad for some goofy computer company came in nearly pegged my VU meters. So is it required of online networks as it is of TV and Radio?
Finally, want to report and I hate banging on a fellow Marine and all, and maybe its not his fault , just his staff, but seems as though my laptop is beyond repair. My real problem is, if it went bang, why didn't they just tell me this two months ago? Words will be exchanged in the morning.
Join me on air at Noon on Cooters Coast To Coast FM. Here on the big one KKOD FM.
Monday, July 25, 2016
Is anybody still or in any way doing it right?
Now granted with our membership size, charter and sub-charter, offices in all 50 states, and employing just over 20,000 people you'd think that we are the only ones doing it right. It does not mean that any of us, and certainly myself are walking or riding around with a swelled head, or that we are thinking we're all that, but isn't anyone doing it right? or attempting to anymore. Did we throw down or willingness to achieve or advance or seek a point of perfection? Are we to hung up on making a dollar that we are afraid to say I can't do this, or I can't fix that, but muddle it up in the sense of some sort of pride? For example, a local computer outfit here, says they can fix anything. Take my laptop in 2-1/2 months ago, to fix a pointer or mouse pad. Was it software? Was it hardware? They call, saying it would cost $150.00 no problem. The delay has cost me now I can't count how much money. Why couldn't they just say we can't fix that? Or its shot so I could replace it? I should have just taken it to PC Laptops in Ogden Utah and I'd have it back. Yet I pay an additional $300.00 a month for a seperate connection to support the laptop. Of course there is the condition of everybody is out to lunch. All day Monday's. Seems nobody does anything, any time on Monday's . If they do, its not much and when the noon buzzer blows they're gone. No wonder other nations are advancing and our nation is stopped and caught with its head in a hole, going I'm to scared to try. Had a medical question. Needed a direct answer, so tried my Doctor, no answer. Circuits are busy it says. After 11 tries I drive over there. gone to lunch, so came back, called our Nurse GoodBody and question answered. Is it that she knows me better than anyone? Is it Twin Falls has advanced , or is it that she takes pride and all for being the best she can be at what she does. Then yesterday, guess who stopped by the Wolf's Lair? The very person, who is the name sake for our LexiBelle, YES THAT Lexi.
And I thought my ain't this groovy. Her hubby and little ones look so cute. This is a gal who could sell a refridgerator to an Eskimo. She is now a regional exec at Dominos Pizza, still living near Pocatello, and yes still part of the Club, but again, is it just the Knytes/WolfPack doing it right? Or did everybody else just give up?

Wednesday, July 20, 2016
Why does everything on FB need to be confronted with the negative waves?
This may appear somewhat contradictory , but I'm going to throw this up anyway. Just about every time I take a gander at my FB newsfeed, somebody puts something up that they are proud of, and then there is a ton or two of people that jump on and say how bad, or stupid, or wrong, or just find fault. Just like last night, I saw where this guy had just got his wings. Instead of most saying congrats, no ten people had to find fault. Is everyone so damn pissed at the world, especially their own lives that every good thing is ridiculed ? Where every good thing has to be knocked down, and somebody has to be mean and bad mouth something, instead of someone just perking up and saying hey good job?
Just about every damn day, I watch the news here, and see where some cop somewhere in America is getting shot. Now I know that every cop isn't perfect, they have bad days, but I'd easily put myself in harms way to protect an officer rather than see one get shot. The person who puts on a badge, has to face things you'd rather not even think of. Show a bit of restraint on your part, you'll get a better outcome with that citation the officer is about to write you. I'm getting off course. Are you so mad at America that you need to shoot those who protect you? Sure I bitch a bunch about Etown Wyoming here, my intention is not to demean the town, its more to give it a kick in the butt and say do this, and stuff will get better. I am very lucky and extremely blessed. Every evening after it cools off a bit, I go out on my patio, and watch the birds and the moose family just beyond a plastic fence. The peace of the breeze and the slight movement of the clouds, and I think, just as in the song, My what a wonderful world. Sometimes you have to die a little to learn to live, to take a bit to be able to give. Even fail to appreciate success, what you don't need is people in a public forum, bitching at someone that just did something and achieved something. Be nice and cool remember the Commandment? Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. Plus all this of this Lives Matters junk, all lives and souls matter. It don't matter if your black, white, yellow or blue, Everybody matters, both to us on Earth and to our Heavenly Father. Maybe its time you turned off your Facebook, newsfeed and read your bible.
Just about every damn day, I watch the news here, and see where some cop somewhere in America is getting shot. Now I know that every cop isn't perfect, they have bad days, but I'd easily put myself in harms way to protect an officer rather than see one get shot. The person who puts on a badge, has to face things you'd rather not even think of. Show a bit of restraint on your part, you'll get a better outcome with that citation the officer is about to write you. I'm getting off course. Are you so mad at America that you need to shoot those who protect you? Sure I bitch a bunch about Etown Wyoming here, my intention is not to demean the town, its more to give it a kick in the butt and say do this, and stuff will get better. I am very lucky and extremely blessed. Every evening after it cools off a bit, I go out on my patio, and watch the birds and the moose family just beyond a plastic fence. The peace of the breeze and the slight movement of the clouds, and I think, just as in the song, My what a wonderful world. Sometimes you have to die a little to learn to live, to take a bit to be able to give. Even fail to appreciate success, what you don't need is people in a public forum, bitching at someone that just did something and achieved something. Be nice and cool remember the Commandment? Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. Plus all this of this Lives Matters junk, all lives and souls matter. It don't matter if your black, white, yellow or blue, Everybody matters, both to us on Earth and to our Heavenly Father. Maybe its time you turned off your Facebook, newsfeed and read your bible.
Attention corporate and private business's you can't get away with crappy service any more.
In the old days big grocery and department stores really didn't care much if you liked their product or service since it was their way or the highway. So what if the thing you wanted was in a store 250 miles one way trip away? Today its a bit different. With the advent of the Internet and all screw up, and people blog and post to social media either Facebook or some other that YOUR store, or YOUR shop, or YOUR service stunk. Not only from a continued promise that never was kept, but still promised . This is getting as rotten as 3 week old eggs in a chicken coop. Example, and its so small of a thing that it goes beyond comprehension. A medium sized box of maple bars at our local grocery outlets. Not just Smith's Food & Drug, but too at the local Walmart. Why does it need to be in a box. People that are dependent on SNAP/EBT cards can't buy such things from the fresh single item, cabinet. For us its on the table with the rest of the donuts and cakes, including pumpkin pies. Pumpkin pies in July? Really Smith's. You could forget on pumpkin pie for at least one box of maple bars.
Now if this was not available at ANY Smith's I'd say oh well, but to shove off the request with the , their store is bigger than ours is not good business. Nate, and myself have seperate shops and different style of repair. Yet we are the only ones doing what we do with the expert knowledge between Salt Lake City Utah and Rock Springs Wyoming. Nate fixes trucks, I do Harley's and tow. Thing is we too could say ah we're too small, we can't do that. Rather than do that we put on our thinking caps, get out the fix it books and get the jobs done. People then go home or back on the road. they use their Smartphones and computers and tell others we did good work. Guess what repeat business. In these days of modern economics and a restricted dollar, you tell somebody you can't ( or wont) do something, they tell their friends and soon, you don't have a business or a very slow one. Of course there are the youth, (at Smith's its mostly LDS kids ) that don't understand that its not out of the sky they get a pay check, its people like myself, who shop there that pays the store for product, and that provides that paycheck.
The older adage of the customer is always right, goes hand in hand with do what the customer wants and you get paid.
Once again its a thing of having to drive 250 miles one way to get a box of Maple bars. Get it together big box America.
Now if this was not available at ANY Smith's I'd say oh well, but to shove off the request with the , their store is bigger than ours is not good business. Nate, and myself have seperate shops and different style of repair. Yet we are the only ones doing what we do with the expert knowledge between Salt Lake City Utah and Rock Springs Wyoming. Nate fixes trucks, I do Harley's and tow. Thing is we too could say ah we're too small, we can't do that. Rather than do that we put on our thinking caps, get out the fix it books and get the jobs done. People then go home or back on the road. they use their Smartphones and computers and tell others we did good work. Guess what repeat business. In these days of modern economics and a restricted dollar, you tell somebody you can't ( or wont) do something, they tell their friends and soon, you don't have a business or a very slow one. Of course there are the youth, (at Smith's its mostly LDS kids ) that don't understand that its not out of the sky they get a pay check, its people like myself, who shop there that pays the store for product, and that provides that paycheck.
The older adage of the customer is always right, goes hand in hand with do what the customer wants and you get paid.
Once again its a thing of having to drive 250 miles one way to get a box of Maple bars. Get it together big box America.
Tuesday, July 19, 2016
Life on the casting walk and organization
A great week so far, took off right after I saw our illustrious Bishop Sunday night to spend a few hours and a day up near Bear Lake Utah side for a High Council Pow-Wow. The day of a MC officer as well as Regional Director of an organization such as hours is no 9 to 5 job or task. It involves hours even days, between administering to the needs of 250,000 members of an organization that amazingly started with just 15 farm area gearheads in 1982 that has exceeded far beyond anything that any of us thought it would become. Which is why I'm announcing that the project of an docudrama movie, and a possible series, based on our organization has been given the green light and many of us now are trying to figure out who will play who. Its not easy casting. The male parts of the film are being done by club members, its casting the female side is the real chore. From casting tweens to play us as we were young and the varied girlyfriends we had back then, including one that I had a terrible crush on, to the rest of the teen , young adult and adult women, is a trying task. Think of our film as the Son's of Anarchy went Hazzard County or vice versa, as the base description. From the first organizational meeting as kids in a back garage space, to that day at the Polish Palace aka now the Snake River Grill. From that first airing of our radio station then to what that has became today. From that first toe kiss in 1979 to the many that have happened since. From that first excursion from being a lusting teen, to that adult woman that showed me the passions of an intimate exchange. All will be shown. And not just me the rest of the club, from Bro's first get it on session with Claressa to the secret hot ponds party, and many other segments, this film will be a blockbuster. The film is being produced by us with help of Sam Peckinpaw's son, and a screenwriter that used to help on another series, called Summer-of-42, and a excellent film and crew.
Much of the film will be shot in and around Hazzard Idaho, as well as Layton Utah and of course here near Evanston Wyoming. The film has not yet been rated. But it has now became a situation of yet another thing thrust upon my plate.
Been getting a bunch of inquiries. Mostly from Casting360, of which for every lady , I get 4 guys. How many times do I need to tell them, WOMEN ONLY!! Its casting tweens especially girls that's trickey. A few years ago that wasn't such a tight rope to walk, today with and justifiably so, but today there is such a paranoia out there, dealing with under aged girls that makes it risky.
Was up on the brush fire lines flying air suppression for our company, we finally got our turn, there. But there comes a time you need to park the byrds and let em cool off , serviced and refuel, which gives me a chance to catch some sleep.
So I'm not on the air until mid day Friday, and all this weekend.
Much of the film will be shot in and around Hazzard Idaho, as well as Layton Utah and of course here near Evanston Wyoming. The film has not yet been rated. But it has now became a situation of yet another thing thrust upon my plate.
Been getting a bunch of inquiries. Mostly from Casting360, of which for every lady , I get 4 guys. How many times do I need to tell them, WOMEN ONLY!! Its casting tweens especially girls that's trickey. A few years ago that wasn't such a tight rope to walk, today with and justifiably so, but today there is such a paranoia out there, dealing with under aged girls that makes it risky.
Was up on the brush fire lines flying air suppression for our company, we finally got our turn, there. But there comes a time you need to park the byrds and let em cool off , serviced and refuel, which gives me a chance to catch some sleep.
So I'm not on the air until mid day Friday, and all this weekend.
Thursday, July 14, 2016
maybe they need to be more like us, ya think?
Even with the shake up at SSM and HazzardAyre/AyreWolf Radio, still I have to say, that these online companies need to goof proof their systems, long before they say click here, or join this or that. An example. Was gleaning over my Gmail, and saw this story from one source that offered a information service so I opted in. After I signed up the damn thing kept on cycling and cycling, to the point I said to hell with it, and moved on.
A website, like a TV ad these days, has three things going and not going for it. One the ad had better tell the truth completely, two it had better be creative, and three if they offer a website, that website better work. If the ad is pure garbage, the ad not enticing and the website not work, bet your next tune up, people will go to Facebook and hammer you, and it does not take long, two they wont buy whatever it is your selling and three, the public will think your a total baffoon. Of course there's the idiots on FB. There's many there, mostly unemployed and paying for their Internet access with welfare or some other public support money, that have gave up looking for work. But they'll post so damn many things on there, but playing it safe. Oops don't want their Bishop or Pastor to know what they're doing. If they post a video, they only post part of it, maybe 5 minutes of it. How about posting the Entire thing? Here at SSM/HazzardAyre/AyreWolf Radio we operate with 10 people. 5 in Idaho, 3 in Utah and two here in Wyoming. Of that 10, 3 , are working the broadcast side, 2 are overseeing our websites and so on. But while we do make mistakes, we are online telling you something messed up. Not just allowing things to degradate to a point of none use, and subject to our ass's getting beat online.
Stay tuned, on the air at midnight.
But maybe some of these companies need to be more like us, at least get experts in house, and start minding their stores. Just like yesterday, I called the FCC and others all day. When I called the FCC I must have gotten at least 20 different units of the FCC that said leave us a message. Same thing as I got, from some here in Etown as well as Wyoming. Damn it if your going to run a tax payer supported agency at least answer the damn phone. Understand that not everybody lives on or works on the DC Beltway. Then of course there's the rest of our groupings of associates, that are going to be weeded out over the next year. Many who have not served well, or never are available or who have ill served the organization will be terminated. Not whacked, just discharged from being an associate. Only those that can be counted on, and are truthful will be retained. The rest its boot in the butt time.
Stay Tuned
A website, like a TV ad these days, has three things going and not going for it. One the ad had better tell the truth completely, two it had better be creative, and three if they offer a website, that website better work. If the ad is pure garbage, the ad not enticing and the website not work, bet your next tune up, people will go to Facebook and hammer you, and it does not take long, two they wont buy whatever it is your selling and three, the public will think your a total baffoon. Of course there's the idiots on FB. There's many there, mostly unemployed and paying for their Internet access with welfare or some other public support money, that have gave up looking for work. But they'll post so damn many things on there, but playing it safe. Oops don't want their Bishop or Pastor to know what they're doing. If they post a video, they only post part of it, maybe 5 minutes of it. How about posting the Entire thing? Here at SSM/HazzardAyre/AyreWolf Radio we operate with 10 people. 5 in Idaho, 3 in Utah and two here in Wyoming. Of that 10, 3 , are working the broadcast side, 2 are overseeing our websites and so on. But while we do make mistakes, we are online telling you something messed up. Not just allowing things to degradate to a point of none use, and subject to our ass's getting beat online.
Stay tuned, on the air at midnight.
But maybe some of these companies need to be more like us, at least get experts in house, and start minding their stores. Just like yesterday, I called the FCC and others all day. When I called the FCC I must have gotten at least 20 different units of the FCC that said leave us a message. Same thing as I got, from some here in Etown as well as Wyoming. Damn it if your going to run a tax payer supported agency at least answer the damn phone. Understand that not everybody lives on or works on the DC Beltway. Then of course there's the rest of our groupings of associates, that are going to be weeded out over the next year. Many who have not served well, or never are available or who have ill served the organization will be terminated. Not whacked, just discharged from being an associate. Only those that can be counted on, and are truthful will be retained. The rest its boot in the butt time.
Stay Tuned
Following a lost highway
Over the last several days I was happy to take a short business trip for SSM, and all to Hollywierd California. Where I got put up in the wonderful but aging Beverly Hills Hotel, with a phone in the outhouse, and a deep bubbling incide concrete pond. The meetings were productive, and the beech front pow-wows at night while walking those beaches at sunset are times of serious reflecting and thinking. Of course I thought of this mess here in Etown and of course about my lady Shelly. I thought that with my situation in life right now being so much up in the air, and nothing to really plan much on, I thought , even though I love her deeply, if she'd be better off being with or for that matter getting hitched to somebody with his feet planted more on solid footing than I have right now. Over the next year, with the reformation of my own company, the relocation of SSM, and all its parts including HazzardAyre and so on, I'm going to be bouncing around, and living at multiple places. Mostly with no real foundation. Mostly motel rooms for a month, and then off to a different town every month or other month. Its the point of departure from a near drunk decision to move to Etown again, in 2014 when I left in 2006 I said never ever again. Drive through it, by it, but never reside in it.
So got in late Tuesday night, caught some sleep, and battled with all too many agencies in an attempt to save HCC, and all, but with little results. The reality of it, is WHY? Even if HCC was saved, HCC will not generate the kinds of dollars needed to pay even the most modest of rents here. Okay Highway Hooker Toewing get's its share of calls, and if enough shoulder was put behind that wheel would make mucho bread, but I don't get much assistance even if they could from my Bishop, who even after nearly taking my own life a few weeks ago now, has yet to come to visit. None. Really Mark?
My Home teacher visited a bit with me at his place of employment Tuesday night, when I stopped to get a bite to bring home after a long flight, said he'd come over Wednesday, yet hmmm, didn't. Gave me an idea of a business incubator, here in Etown. Hell there isn't any business incubator in Wyoming , let alone Etown. From what I garnered from a fellow towing brother , Wyoming, mainly Etown is going bankrupt, more over is about to go through an entire infrastructure overhaul after a law suit between an oil refinery here and the Federal Government. The net result, is a revision perhaps removal of all these tax advantages of Wyoming. That soon Wyoming will have to pay Federal taxes, including State and Federal with-holding taxes and the like. The advancing of the concept of at least Etown becoming part of Utah rather than remaining in Wyoming, and the states border being moved inwards to Fort Bridger, Wyoming. Etown is going to really be messed up.
Of course I went to the Club on help for HCC, since 3/4's of that is theirs. Results of that conversation is that no, but hell no, and that they'd only support helping me to get my ass out of this area. The idea of a radio station here is fading. Sure it can and should be done. Sure the people just sitting on an EXPIRED FCC License, is against the law, and those holding that are going to get one helluva wake up call, as well as the two FM's here, after what I told the FCC yesterday on the phone and all. But it's like what Karl and I talked on this morning over breakfast. Even if the radio werx were in an office, set up, licensed and all, who the hell is going to run it, let alone work for us? What am I to do if we are on air, and a toew call comes in, turn off the station , answer the toew call and then come back and turn the station back on? There's FCC rules against that. With some serrious monetary and pen time for violations of such. Not for me. A on air radio station by FCC rules has to have a minimum staff, two people in charge, and who can open doors for inspection as well as show public files. But where do you find employees for a radio station who can be on air at least 6 hours a day or more, that ARE ON LIVE not voicetracked but LIVE if not you get fined and fined heavy duty.
So can't just turn stuff off. So then what, push off toew calls for staying on radio>? Bottom line this gig is about to end, and a Utah to Idaho jump is in view. But that means bouncing around, and that's not fair for my Shelly. Oh to hell with all those that she was trouble and too warped to even be with. Shame on them. If nothing else, Shelly has been and still is one damn person on the planet Earth that cares and Loves me, just for me. As goofy and unsettled as I am.
Now lets talk about Hollywierd. Getting lost on the 101 was fun, more over trying to drive it from mid Burbank where we flew in and out of, to mid Los Angeles and then back out. Went to the WB studios, and a few others. There's SSM, productions that's going to begin mid to late next year, that I tried to get plugged in , here but the lack of communication from the Wyoming Film Office, there is no Wyoming Film Commission as there is in Idaho and/or Utah has(go figure) but is it fair to bring Shelly on such a bumpy ride? That's something amongst other things I'm working over in my mind.
The lobster dinner I had in LA was a far cry from the greasy thing that I tried to consume at Tumbleweeds in ETown. First the place we went down on Sunset Blvd, can't remember it, but its right across from a Chinese Theater, any way they had tools to get the meat out, and crack the legs of the lobster. Then we went to Barris's Auto muzzeeum, there, and the cars from TV and movies. Everything from the ATeam Van to the red Torino of Starsky and Hutch, all of them. Great works of automobile art.
So got in late Tuesday night, caught some sleep, and battled with all too many agencies in an attempt to save HCC, and all, but with little results. The reality of it, is WHY? Even if HCC was saved, HCC will not generate the kinds of dollars needed to pay even the most modest of rents here. Okay Highway Hooker Toewing get's its share of calls, and if enough shoulder was put behind that wheel would make mucho bread, but I don't get much assistance even if they could from my Bishop, who even after nearly taking my own life a few weeks ago now, has yet to come to visit. None. Really Mark?
My Home teacher visited a bit with me at his place of employment Tuesday night, when I stopped to get a bite to bring home after a long flight, said he'd come over Wednesday, yet hmmm, didn't. Gave me an idea of a business incubator, here in Etown. Hell there isn't any business incubator in Wyoming , let alone Etown. From what I garnered from a fellow towing brother , Wyoming, mainly Etown is going bankrupt, more over is about to go through an entire infrastructure overhaul after a law suit between an oil refinery here and the Federal Government. The net result, is a revision perhaps removal of all these tax advantages of Wyoming. That soon Wyoming will have to pay Federal taxes, including State and Federal with-holding taxes and the like. The advancing of the concept of at least Etown becoming part of Utah rather than remaining in Wyoming, and the states border being moved inwards to Fort Bridger, Wyoming. Etown is going to really be messed up.
Of course I went to the Club on help for HCC, since 3/4's of that is theirs. Results of that conversation is that no, but hell no, and that they'd only support helping me to get my ass out of this area. The idea of a radio station here is fading. Sure it can and should be done. Sure the people just sitting on an EXPIRED FCC License, is against the law, and those holding that are going to get one helluva wake up call, as well as the two FM's here, after what I told the FCC yesterday on the phone and all. But it's like what Karl and I talked on this morning over breakfast. Even if the radio werx were in an office, set up, licensed and all, who the hell is going to run it, let alone work for us? What am I to do if we are on air, and a toew call comes in, turn off the station , answer the toew call and then come back and turn the station back on? There's FCC rules against that. With some serrious monetary and pen time for violations of such. Not for me. A on air radio station by FCC rules has to have a minimum staff, two people in charge, and who can open doors for inspection as well as show public files. But where do you find employees for a radio station who can be on air at least 6 hours a day or more, that ARE ON LIVE not voicetracked but LIVE if not you get fined and fined heavy duty.
So can't just turn stuff off. So then what, push off toew calls for staying on radio>? Bottom line this gig is about to end, and a Utah to Idaho jump is in view. But that means bouncing around, and that's not fair for my Shelly. Oh to hell with all those that she was trouble and too warped to even be with. Shame on them. If nothing else, Shelly has been and still is one damn person on the planet Earth that cares and Loves me, just for me. As goofy and unsettled as I am.
Now lets talk about Hollywierd. Getting lost on the 101 was fun, more over trying to drive it from mid Burbank where we flew in and out of, to mid Los Angeles and then back out. Went to the WB studios, and a few others. There's SSM, productions that's going to begin mid to late next year, that I tried to get plugged in , here but the lack of communication from the Wyoming Film Office, there is no Wyoming Film Commission as there is in Idaho and/or Utah has(go figure) but is it fair to bring Shelly on such a bumpy ride? That's something amongst other things I'm working over in my mind.
The lobster dinner I had in LA was a far cry from the greasy thing that I tried to consume at Tumbleweeds in ETown. First the place we went down on Sunset Blvd, can't remember it, but its right across from a Chinese Theater, any way they had tools to get the meat out, and crack the legs of the lobster. Then we went to Barris's Auto muzzeeum, there, and the cars from TV and movies. Everything from the ATeam Van to the red Torino of Starsky and Hutch, all of them. Great works of automobile art.
Ah what the hell does Facebook know anyhow?
Are there times in your world , that you'd like to tell Facebook, or for that matter any of these mass social sites that they are absolutely stupid?
Let me give you an example; went to my stats page to include on my prophile that I was one of the creators and still CEO of SouthernSteele Media, that is the parent firm over HazzardAyre Radio and so on. Comes back employer invalid. Bullshit Facebook, get a fucking clue. Look back to 2005 and take a gall damn look. Shit in its infancy SouthernSteele had more fans as a program of over the air radio, that equals if not slightly outpaces its sibling HazzardAyre. Okay Facebook we never ADVERTISED on Fb, but shit to say it ain't, isn't looking back far enough in history to know any better.
Southern Steele Media was created out of a hit radio show that I and 5 others in Utah produced in 2004 to mid 2005. Southern Steele Radio, was about just what could be done to a bike, truck or muscle car by those without too much money or facilities such as a shop, but had a welder, torch, and lots of junk metal. At the time, there was a bunch of TV shows, from American Hot Rod, to American Chopper. These shows had a bunch of drama, with little in the form of building a real ride that was road worthy, without a big TV budget. When I opened what was then Lone-Eagle Choppers in Tooele Utah A few of us crowded in at the Country Basket diner at then, a truck stop partly owned by Flying J, in Springville Utah, we hatched the idea of at first a radio show and then go TV . We pitched the idea to RTM Productions, but was over heard by an executive of the Discovery Channel that retitled the show as Southern Steel. This was far from the idea we had in mind at an ensuing law suit, killed the TV show on the Discovery Channel. Yet we produced for syndication the same show. In mid 2005, on a kick back cruise I rolled through a tiny town on the Idaho Wyoming border called Cokeville, where I observed a old barber shop/ saloon, where an indescrete TV studio could be built, but yet close enough to Utah to gain talent from. A sweet gal who was into independent video, by the name of Julie had called me, met me there and although she backed out in a few weeks after, still we trudged on through./
This is the same town and the bunch of simpl people whose brains could not seperate the idea of one word with varied meanings. Who said Hooker was a honey for rent and Hooker as in trucker CB talk for tow truck. One night one of my training interns came up to deliver some radio copy, and got detained by the one arm one idiot cop there. Okay so she dressed a bit hot, but damn it you'd think that maybe some modern mind concepts had found their way to CokeVille. In any case, SouthernSteele Media was created, and such TV shows as Farm Kountry TV, OTR TV, and eventually HazzardAyre Radio was created from and is still under the parental umbrella of SouthernSteele Media. Of course Facebooks people are not too brilliant. They seldom venture out of Silicon Valley, and since many of them are not quite dry behind the ears have no ability to absorb new or out of the box concepts, much less something that kicks ass in history or in today's era. However this is nothing new.
If one were to look up the Independent Truckers Association, RoadMasters and such you will not find much if anything except that which is in my postings. Yet the two organizations had from 1960 through 1987 had the largest membership body of independent owner operator long haul truckers in the United States as well as many chapters around the world. The popular then, not so much now, Overdrive Magazine was created by a great visionary and person named Mike Parkhurst. Who built Overdrive Magazine as primarily the newsletter publication to inform members of the ITA and the RoadMasters, of what was going on in the organization. But try to find anything online about that and you'll draw up a blank. Overdrive tried to do a thing about 6 years ago about, or to do with Overdrive Retro, kind of a flashback to the original publication , with Wrecker(tow-truck) of the Month, The DateMaster centerfold, and so on. For some reason, mostly due to the feminists that protested it, still Overdrive Retro flopped. Too bad, the old Overdrive was a great publication.
While the Internet and all its components are great tools, still, there is much lacking. Anything that was before the dawning of today's search engines and mass outfits like Google or Facebook, are to be said did not exist. Yet for us older gearheads, they still are time honored classics.
So even if Facebook says it ain't , I can tell you, yes it was.
Let me give you an example; went to my stats page to include on my prophile that I was one of the creators and still CEO of SouthernSteele Media, that is the parent firm over HazzardAyre Radio and so on. Comes back employer invalid. Bullshit Facebook, get a fucking clue. Look back to 2005 and take a gall damn look. Shit in its infancy SouthernSteele had more fans as a program of over the air radio, that equals if not slightly outpaces its sibling HazzardAyre. Okay Facebook we never ADVERTISED on Fb, but shit to say it ain't, isn't looking back far enough in history to know any better.
Southern Steele Media was created out of a hit radio show that I and 5 others in Utah produced in 2004 to mid 2005. Southern Steele Radio, was about just what could be done to a bike, truck or muscle car by those without too much money or facilities such as a shop, but had a welder, torch, and lots of junk metal. At the time, there was a bunch of TV shows, from American Hot Rod, to American Chopper. These shows had a bunch of drama, with little in the form of building a real ride that was road worthy, without a big TV budget. When I opened what was then Lone-Eagle Choppers in Tooele Utah A few of us crowded in at the Country Basket diner at then, a truck stop partly owned by Flying J, in Springville Utah, we hatched the idea of at first a radio show and then go TV . We pitched the idea to RTM Productions, but was over heard by an executive of the Discovery Channel that retitled the show as Southern Steel. This was far from the idea we had in mind at an ensuing law suit, killed the TV show on the Discovery Channel. Yet we produced for syndication the same show. In mid 2005, on a kick back cruise I rolled through a tiny town on the Idaho Wyoming border called Cokeville, where I observed a old barber shop/ saloon, where an indescrete TV studio could be built, but yet close enough to Utah to gain talent from. A sweet gal who was into independent video, by the name of Julie had called me, met me there and although she backed out in a few weeks after, still we trudged on through./
This is the same town and the bunch of simpl people whose brains could not seperate the idea of one word with varied meanings. Who said Hooker was a honey for rent and Hooker as in trucker CB talk for tow truck. One night one of my training interns came up to deliver some radio copy, and got detained by the one arm one idiot cop there. Okay so she dressed a bit hot, but damn it you'd think that maybe some modern mind concepts had found their way to CokeVille. In any case, SouthernSteele Media was created, and such TV shows as Farm Kountry TV, OTR TV, and eventually HazzardAyre Radio was created from and is still under the parental umbrella of SouthernSteele Media. Of course Facebooks people are not too brilliant. They seldom venture out of Silicon Valley, and since many of them are not quite dry behind the ears have no ability to absorb new or out of the box concepts, much less something that kicks ass in history or in today's era. However this is nothing new.
If one were to look up the Independent Truckers Association, RoadMasters and such you will not find much if anything except that which is in my postings. Yet the two organizations had from 1960 through 1987 had the largest membership body of independent owner operator long haul truckers in the United States as well as many chapters around the world. The popular then, not so much now, Overdrive Magazine was created by a great visionary and person named Mike Parkhurst. Who built Overdrive Magazine as primarily the newsletter publication to inform members of the ITA and the RoadMasters, of what was going on in the organization. But try to find anything online about that and you'll draw up a blank. Overdrive tried to do a thing about 6 years ago about, or to do with Overdrive Retro, kind of a flashback to the original publication , with Wrecker(tow-truck) of the Month, The DateMaster centerfold, and so on. For some reason, mostly due to the feminists that protested it, still Overdrive Retro flopped. Too bad, the old Overdrive was a great publication.
While the Internet and all its components are great tools, still, there is much lacking. Anything that was before the dawning of today's search engines and mass outfits like Google or Facebook, are to be said did not exist. Yet for us older gearheads, they still are time honored classics.
So even if Facebook says it ain't , I can tell you, yes it was.
Friday, July 8, 2016
In Silence because we are in honor of
Because this is a solumn occassion, all of our radio stations are now running silent, in honor of the fallen officers in Dallas.
We will return to the air early hours Saturday morning.
We will return to the air early hours Saturday morning.
So your going to pay with plastic again, right? After this you might want to rethink that.
Wendy's is now admitting that hackers comprimized 1,500 of their food outlets and as many consumers might be at risk of identity theft and other similar things. Sure you may think your transactions via your credit or debit card are secure, but with just about if everything online and operated via computer, can you be sure. There is growing concerns and why I seldom use any plastic card unless I have to. These hackers are in fact , in many cases supporting third and 4th world nations and extreme groups, like ISIS and others carry out their deeds . Once they tap into your computer or your bank account via hacking some big chain like Wendy's and gain 411 on your banking card, it's hard if ever possible to rectify the occurance.
I say use cash in most if not all of your financial transactions. Sure, such things as online purchases and such require plastic, but locally always use cash whenever you can.
Overnight too, several officers were shot in Dallas, from a top floor of a downtown parking garage. Something to do with anti black activists.
See you on the radio this afternoon.
Wendy's is now admitting that hackers comprimized 1,500 of their food outlets and as many consumers might be at risk of identity theft and other similar things. Sure you may think your transactions via your credit or debit card are secure, but with just about if everything online and operated via computer, can you be sure. There is growing concerns and why I seldom use any plastic card unless I have to. These hackers are in fact , in many cases supporting third and 4th world nations and extreme groups, like ISIS and others carry out their deeds . Once they tap into your computer or your bank account via hacking some big chain like Wendy's and gain 411 on your banking card, it's hard if ever possible to rectify the occurance.
I say use cash in most if not all of your financial transactions. Sure, such things as online purchases and such require plastic, but locally always use cash whenever you can.
Overnight too, several officers were shot in Dallas, from a top floor of a downtown parking garage. Something to do with anti black activists.
See you on the radio this afternoon.
Are women just getting more stupid? Or is there a hidden agenda? Men , All men take cover
Of all the many women I have known and I have known many there's but a very small handful of women that have been at least brain wave ability to associate with. Or at least on my brain wave patterns. Of them all is Robin Whittaker, who was one of my trainees in Rupert Idaho on the station there. Followed by a gal named Joele Webster originally from Dubois Idaho, and then of course Erin aka Nurse GoodBody. My first wife CiCi and that's sum of them . The rest were while there physically were not there mentally.
Of course men are put together different. Although us men have some of the same equipment that women have, like a placenta yes a man if he can be furtilized can carry a baby, yes , a man can feed a baby through his breasts we carry that ability, and of course there's the monthly visitor. Men have it too, but I wonder should we have a female President, that has biological swings? To hell with building a wall between Mexico and the southern border of the Union, shoot all needs to happen is a Female President with her finger on that big red button, and BOOM there goes Mexico. If its not women out right its men trying to be women. These Transgender queers and all, its getting to the point that all of us real USDA Prime beefy male corpuscles to take cover and refuge, because one day the feminazi's are going to strike. Think not? Think this; I hear it all dang day on our Disney Channel program feeds , of shows from the Disney Channel. There's the tweens and teens being taught and soaking up the thoughts that women can do anything a man can. The reality is; no they can't. Want proof? The USMC has now had to restructure their entrance training aka boot camp, because some of the women, and such can't do what us men used to have to do when entering this branch of military service. To hell with GI Jane, Demi Moore couldn't do all that in real life in a Seals training program, hell she couldn't even shovel her walk way of snow, in Sun Valley Idaho. In fact I was one who did it for her. (hey I lived there and it was a few damn few extra bucks) , Fact is how can we reduce our fitness levels for the Marines? If the women want to enter and get equal treatment, train as equals, not press the DoD to reduce the stress level of that training. No more of this is an option to get your head shaved bald, When I went in you sat in a barbers chair and snip snap, buzz and you had no hair. You got up at 04:30 did PT , ate, marched, went to your classes, marched again, trained some more , then unless you had guard duty, you were in bed at 19:00 hours. That damn simple. Even if you did get liberty , you still got up . No , not today, the politically Correct Pentagon and DoD says we have to treat women recruits tenderly, and the wimpy guys ever so gently. Do you think an enemy is going to care ? Get real.
Then there is the equal pay for so called equal work. Even Hollywierd is bending this way. Actress's want equal pay and more aggressive roles to portray, I say hell yes, if their willing to take equal risk. Casnpoint. Here at HazzardAyre Radio. It's no big thing that if we post we are looking for LIVE on air anchor talent, guys WILL show up for interviews even do a sample show. Women say no way, something sexual might occur and thus wont show up or if they do wont return. Its the penus getting near the vagina syndrome . But they want equal pay anyway. What a bunch of whackadoodles.
Used to be the ultimate question, " Which came first the chicken or the egg?" Today its more like , " Which came first? The Penius or the Vagina?"
Women are a bit dumber these days, but it just might be a rouse , men take cover.
Thursday, July 7, 2016
If blondes are stupid and red heads are on fire, what is it with women in blue hair?
Decided to finally try our local Wendy's for a dinner snack, and I sure wish I hadn't. The number of places to sit and have something to eat in Evanston Wyoming is shrinking. McDonalds isn't for anything, Arby's cooks things way too long, and isn't hot by the time you get home. KFC is so far out of town that , that's a pain, Wally's burgers are too greasy, the list goes on. So with the final straw decided on Wendy's.
So I walk in, discover that there is a short wait, as this young girl in acid poster blue hair, was not working with a full deck. Dig this; she tried to charge me extra for Fries and a drink. Really? That's why its a COMBO meal girl, a COMBO is not a single item, its multiple. Fries and a drink. Manager saw it, think maybe she don't have a job there for much longer.
If that wasn't the worst , Landlord at the shop says , due to his recent property damages at other locations he needs to raise the rent. Says he'll have to rewrite the lease. $750.00 doable, $1500.00 not doable, so I'm scrambling to get LexiBelle put together, LiL Wolf to Nates, to get fixed, and get out of the shop. Which will give me a bit more time to focus on what I came here for in the first place, a radio station.
Things in Evanston are just getting too expensive. It's the old thought of supply and demand, here in Evanston, the demand for shop space for us gear heads is large, the supply is low, so property owners are increasing rents.
So since I can't afford that increase and the Knytes have suspended the majority of support for anything Evanston, its move the bizz and reside here until the end of my lease here at the Wentworth.
So getting back to the hair subject of women.
Blondes are thought of as being stupid, if not stupid, a bit ditsy . Although I can say the ones I have worked with are light years ahead of most. Then there's the red heads that some say are way too emotional, and always short tempered. But if a dark haired gal, has her hair colored blue, does that hair dye sink into their scalp, and eventually into their brains? And does that make all kinds of goofy?
Was the gal trying to upsell me there at Wendy's? Maybe, but and it may she just didn't understand but if its a COMBO meal that means the damn thing includes a DRINK, and fries.
So I walk in, discover that there is a short wait, as this young girl in acid poster blue hair, was not working with a full deck. Dig this; she tried to charge me extra for Fries and a drink. Really? That's why its a COMBO meal girl, a COMBO is not a single item, its multiple. Fries and a drink. Manager saw it, think maybe she don't have a job there for much longer.
If that wasn't the worst , Landlord at the shop says , due to his recent property damages at other locations he needs to raise the rent. Says he'll have to rewrite the lease. $750.00 doable, $1500.00 not doable, so I'm scrambling to get LexiBelle put together, LiL Wolf to Nates, to get fixed, and get out of the shop. Which will give me a bit more time to focus on what I came here for in the first place, a radio station.
Things in Evanston are just getting too expensive. It's the old thought of supply and demand, here in Evanston, the demand for shop space for us gear heads is large, the supply is low, so property owners are increasing rents.
So since I can't afford that increase and the Knytes have suspended the majority of support for anything Evanston, its move the bizz and reside here until the end of my lease here at the Wentworth.
So getting back to the hair subject of women.
Blondes are thought of as being stupid, if not stupid, a bit ditsy . Although I can say the ones I have worked with are light years ahead of most. Then there's the red heads that some say are way too emotional, and always short tempered. But if a dark haired gal, has her hair colored blue, does that hair dye sink into their scalp, and eventually into their brains? And does that make all kinds of goofy?
Was the gal trying to upsell me there at Wendy's? Maybe, but and it may she just didn't understand but if its a COMBO meal that means the damn thing includes a DRINK, and fries.
Monday, July 4, 2016
What have done for me lately?
Janet Jackson had a hit record out a few years ago, that went along the lines of What Have You done for me lately? Few weeks ago, Lisa CEO and Owner of Tumbleweeds here in Evanston and I were talking, about things in general, and the subject came up that as one guy trying to do fund raising came in, but then left after Lisa told him no. Lisa said that for all the many who come into the Tumbleweed, looking for donations, the ones she gives to are those who patronize her bar and/or resturaunt. I fully agree, so in taking my being really pissed off at so many, here. If you want my help, or the Knytes/WolfPack's financial help, show us or do something for us. More over me.
Now to something I said yesterday and I must apologize. Yesterday at Tumbleweeds when I ate there, it wasn't the fault of Lisa and/or her husband's mistake of food quality, that made me sick, it was me eating it a bit too fast, as well that being my first meal of the day. As far as Jody's Diner./ I really like many who work at Jody's and love Jody as a good person, and never ever left there with a grumbling stomache or one upset tummy. I have always been treated well there and space available will eat there again. It was the look on many faces in there that got under my hat. Here in Evanston, I only eat at two places, Jody's and / or Tumbleweed. Tried others like the R & R, not bad food, but cooked a bit rich, and a bit pricey, JB's , always a cold breakfast buffet by the time I get to it, again to high of price to eat there, the same goes for the Legal, and now that they forced Lexi out of there, no reason for me to go there.
Now then, to all that cuss out Lisa for not contributing to your causes, what about a few of you have your meetings and PAY for some meals at the Tumbleweed, then ask Lisa to get involved. Likewise, you want Hazzard County Choppers/Highway Hooker Toewing to contribute to your civic group, how about calling my tow truck, for paying tows? More over want me and or OUR MC to contribute to you? How about buying ad time on our radio station.
So in closing, What have You done for ME lately?
Now to something I said yesterday and I must apologize. Yesterday at Tumbleweeds when I ate there, it wasn't the fault of Lisa and/or her husband's mistake of food quality, that made me sick, it was me eating it a bit too fast, as well that being my first meal of the day. As far as Jody's Diner./ I really like many who work at Jody's and love Jody as a good person, and never ever left there with a grumbling stomache or one upset tummy. I have always been treated well there and space available will eat there again. It was the look on many faces in there that got under my hat. Here in Evanston, I only eat at two places, Jody's and / or Tumbleweed. Tried others like the R & R, not bad food, but cooked a bit rich, and a bit pricey, JB's , always a cold breakfast buffet by the time I get to it, again to high of price to eat there, the same goes for the Legal, and now that they forced Lexi out of there, no reason for me to go there.
Now then, to all that cuss out Lisa for not contributing to your causes, what about a few of you have your meetings and PAY for some meals at the Tumbleweed, then ask Lisa to get involved. Likewise, you want Hazzard County Choppers/Highway Hooker Toewing to contribute to your civic group, how about calling my tow truck, for paying tows? More over want me and or OUR MC to contribute to you? How about buying ad time on our radio station.
So in closing, What have You done for ME lately?
If you don't like me or the way I'm living, then just leave this old short haired kountry guy alone
After taking my meds and settling down a bit I'm going to put some things out and I don't give a crap what heads I step on here.
Some new heckler had to get on one of my blogs and bitch that what I speak and write here is bullshit. First , RodeWolf Toewing is the same creature as Highway Hooker and Dixie Toewing, just a new location. The reason I did a rename here in Evanston was a request of my partner at our old shop. Plus the fact that some buttwipe cop in Cokeville Didn't like Highway Hooker, nor fully tried to discern its true meaning. So fine. After much searching and thought, I renamed the company RodeWolf Toewing. Didn't make us any money, in fact we lost money, and nearly zero calls, at least Highway Hooker Toewing will get 8 calls a week. Which after this week I can run since LexiBelle will be mechanically sound. So yes and no to RodeWolf Toewing be real or not. RodeWolf is my cb handle and as such made sense. I have tried to accomodate all too many and push away my gut feelings, but who gets hurt in the wallet? Me. It's like when Nathan moved into my shop down behind Freeway Tires here. Right away he wanted to change things. So the shop got renamed to Dixie Garage. Even though my full intent was simply Hazzard County Choppers which is the only name in all area phone books. But even before that, when I first got here I was only going to do the radio gig, hire if I could someone or two to run it and me go home to Idaho, that's why I hedged for so long to go fetch LexiBelle. So I found Lotty's had closed, was in the process of doing that and yes I have mucho paperwork on that, and in that a lady at the Smoker Friendly shop across the street wanted me to hire her daughter. I told her not yet, but if the daughter wanted to try doing radio great. So soon after they came bobling up to the Wolf's Lair, took up my time and resources and still didn't sit down to do anything. Course it took and thankfully they did, but our church Ward reluctantly helped me retrieve all the radio gear to bring here. Still no body with a vagina would show up here to do radio. More over the vast amount of them had no idea how to do on air LIVE radio, no matter the method of delivery either over the air or online. Yet it was okay for good old Patrick here to spend dollars to feed them at Jody's and elsewhere, or buy gallons of coffee and/or sodas. What did I get? Kick in the jaw. The daughter even had the ovaries to go out and tell people she didn't get paid. Thing is , what was I to pay her for? She never did anything. While I love my brother Rick at and of our old shop, the fact is, whether it was Rick, Nathan, or that drug dealer Joey, who went in on the shop, never was anything done to my mini service truck, the General still has a power steering leak, and only for a strong push was the Subaru ever re-enabled. No everybody elses shit in the shop, got repaired but not the ones that could make us money. Then many say well he didn't pay the bills, my response hey you want to shove me and my projects into a corner fine, shove my money into the same corner and don't bitch when I don't pony up. Then there was the offices up in the upper stories of the Wells Fargo building here. I was all game for that for the radio station. Even had CenturyLink willing to try and do a 1gig connection. But then it was okay on the office rent for $300.00, but $500.00 more just to put an antenna on the top of the building? So we looked into the old town hall. Except they don't and didn't want bikers there. Oh well. Then there was the damn bar outside of town here,. As long as that ball was in play I was an angel, the minute I pulled away from that, I was Mr. asshole. Then there was the young gal living across from me at the Washatie Apartments. She was online, selling everything except her body to pay a over due electric and water bill. So I piped in and said as an act of kindness and paid her water and power bill, but just as soon as I did, she was online bad mouthing me. Really? There's the old adage, no good deed goes unpunished, in Evanston, good or otherwise deeds you still get punished. So here it is. From me to all who will read this. This old Wolf, is prowling alone and tending to my needs and all, no more helps, no more lending money, no more doing free tows, no more discount auto repair, I'm paying my own damn bills , I'm taking care of me. And at the earliest as I can, I'm pulling up the anchor and leaving, I have had it. Piss on this stinky, stubborn ignorant arrogant town. Sorry, just like it was once near mountain Home Idaho, I didn't kiss the ass of the filthy fifty, so I am being condemned. I loved Beaver Dick saying something along the lines of him being one trying to help me, its just like a few others, any time anybody says their going to help you, to do what you want to do, unless their going to get something out of it, your about to take it up the ass.
The thing is , because their business or whatever is threatened because they can't(or wont) do what we do, the feel the need to leash out at me and or the Club.
So as I end this, you don't like me, Fuck Off , problem solved, or to paraphrase a few lines from a Charley Daniels Song, " You don't like the way I'm living you just let this old short haired southern kountry boy alone" .
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