My day today started like crap. With the major High Council meeting here Tuesday and many officers arriving tonight I was working on our new digs for HazzardAyre Radio, when without thinking drove a small nail through my thumb, with an air hammer. So after expressing my condition to the Reaper Crew through some serious explatives we wrapped my thumb up waiting for the local EVAC people to show up, to bandage my thumb. Nope gotta go to the ER, and get it bandaged and me a tetness booster shot. Must have been lack of food coupled with the meds or something, but, my butt has been busy going to the latrine about every 15 minutes or less. My brain hurts, and don't dare eat anything. Should have stayed in bed.
So visited with SheWolf for a short while then headed back to the shop. BTW on LexiBelle, that tiny piece I have been hunting for the Mars lights on LexiBelle? Well got one and thanks to Dave, its on its way. I nearly creamed my jeans when he told me that. One of those parts that don't exist any more , and that can't be bought from a Vendor any more David had so I'm just gurgling for joy. Maybe its my insides.
Okay then, got one of those notifications from the illustrious Facebook to verify our Club page. No mater how damn many times I clicked on, call me both on my cell and Landline still came with a no can do. One of those times I wish I had a doc scanner or something, so I sent em our Tax number. You'll play hell trying to convince that Jap loving Socialist, Communist in Charge of and who owns Facebook. Want an example of profiling? Watch Facebook very carefully. The things you get bitched at by the little pickle brained pencil necked college kids at Facebook in the censor page , but see the same thing or worse on somebody's page or group , that somehow gets fed right to YOUR page or group or even your news feed. It's okay to put this up on a Facebook newsfeed
but don't put this
or this
up on your newsfeed or on a Page or Group of YOURS, because that's nasty. The first question I ask is who the frack invited somebody from any other group or page, or just anybody that isn't a member of our organization.
I found it kind of interesting this should show up just a few days ago. There was a post on Overdrive's site of , do you still use a CB Radio? The responses were all over the place , but the main thread was most don't because of the vulgarity. My response? Don't like it, use the off button. Don't go away mad , just go away. Same goes with Facebook and its many prying eyes; Don't like our content, unlike us and go the frack away. Pretty simple.
Any way the first of many night sessions of the High Council will be starting in 25 minutes so gotta go, but dig this friends the copyright and fringe elements of Facebook censorship are really getting serious.

A few years ago, there were fans of my radio gig and all that asked me why I was such a fanatic of those up on two wheels, mainly the biker community. For those wondering, I'd like to acquaint you with a happening earlier today. I had just gotten up from catching some snooze time, when SheWolf relayed that there was a bunch on some FB page Called Wreckers something trashing me , my company and the Club. So I went on there. At first the chewing out was all on my SheWolf. She accidently posted the fact we were on a FoX hunt for some honey to enhance the website and TV ads, to do in part to help sell the pillows and such that our Sister from Texas is making. So people were bitching about things, so I jumped in and put up pics of LexiBelle amongst my rides saying faux huh? It got to the point that I just cancelled out of that group and split. Talk about a towers brotherhood? Bullstuff. There ain't been a true Towers Brotherhood since 1983/84. when the older owner operators formed TRAA and so on. Not that there isn't one, but membership to the Iron Knytes is through Pledge, and invitation, there's no open call for members. We keep our numbers small, and protected. As far as Facebook , Facebook itself is getting old and drab. Oh and speaking of Facebook, did you know that Facebook founder Mark Zuckerburg, is now eyeing the idea of a Presidential run?
But lets get past that. In general, despite some club bias and all bikers pretty much accept each others, and will ride long distances together and work together for a common goal. Consider its us Bikers doing peacekeeping duties at this weeks swearing in of Donald Trump. Trump called us his extra measure of protection. Not bad. I wasn't always a big fan of riders but years ago, Bro and I met very much up close and personal Brother Speed's MC at their club house in Boise, waiting for T-Willey to show to do some work on a roadster. Not only was I welcomed but treated very well. Bro and I had long been thinking of adding that to the Knytes and so when the oppurtunity came in 2008 with the creation of SOA, we jumped on the idea, and as such , the Knytes-of Anarchy was born, as a subsidiary of the Hazzard Knytes. My best friend on Earth besides Bro and Big Rick, is little Rick here in Evanston. Not only is his shovel head pristine, but his truck, that I named Dark Horse, is one of the finest on earth, and Little Rick's friendship is so dear, but he's also a biker in every sense of the word. People who ride are of the most honest caliber that you'll find and once made a friend, are the most loyal. Then of course there's those who fly.
From the time that I strapped myself into an AV 4 to the time, I got to fly a Corsair my head has been in the clouds. When I put my golden wings in a plastic box, and my uniform patch in a coffee can and hid them for nobody but me to see, I thought the days of me getting above the clouds was over. Then one morning just before lunch whilest I was watching the old half truthful TV docudrama of the 214, I heard overhead not one but two F-4-U Corsairs. Once I found out where they landed I went out there, inside a big hangar was not one, not two, not, three but 4 F-4-U Corsairs sitting inside ready for flight and battle. So I got the owner off to the side, asked what these byrds go for, when he told me I swallowed my chew. Thought to myself , my I'm in the wrong business. So like many things, like starting the Hazzard Knytes to help support the Hazzard Garage, we started a Warbird group . Over time though I have been welcomed with open arms by the aviation community, who are there organization or not, to help rebuild a prop, or a complete a vintage warbird. Unfortunately, my type-2 diabetes took me out of the air a year ago, but I'm busting my hump to get a new med card and my license back. But I still have many friends in both Bikers and pilots. Including the AyreWolvez Military Aviation Association. If only the rest of modern society including jerks on Facebook, could get together in brother(sister)hood in friendship and all like bikers and pilots, wouldn't this be a great world.
Gotta go see the Bishop.
Before I get off on my rant here this morning, I want to say to the sweethearts on the two Cinderella movies I watched on Disney, great job. One was a tweaked remake of the film she's all That, starring Fred Prinz Junior , but good, plus the two movies gave me inspiration to relive some preasure so again thanks.
Tried to get in touch with the local Bishop to gain a sit down, but did not hear back. I think I'm on my own, on this one. Let you know this evening.
Our Sweet Texas Sister shot a shell across the bow last night, saying that the expenses being run up for the pillows and such were cutting into her purse a bit with few if any sales. I'll tell ya'll like I tell her, help us to raise funds for a new computer and all for the Radio/TV station, that way I can get the pillows on screen and get to selling them. Plus with a new computer the radio gig can get flowing again. Again making money for us and our Texas Sister.
Which brings me to this; and there's an entire background story to it which I'll relate later today, but; once upon a time, in doing some pinup work for the Knytes, I stumbled upon this once free website for finding model talent. Well seems this other outfit called Casting Call bought the free site . So since they had been prodding me to use their services, I put up a simple casting for a narrator for the movie the Hazzard Knytes. The docudrama, that will tell the story of the Knytes(knights) plus HazzardAyre Radio etc in a similar style of the way Stern told his story to increase ear traffic to his show. Figuring if we got someone there for the Narrator, then other castings for both men and women that would make up the Club, in our preteen and teen years, as well as our radical 20's both in and out of the Marines. Then drawing it up tight to the present with what's going on with HazzardAyre; Radio( . The fact that most of us are not film makers, we're truckers,bikers,mechanics and aircraft pilots and mechanics. However nobody is better to tell our story than us. Now so I got a response from some gal named Kat, who was all kinds of prying, hell it felt like the Spanish Inquisition. The main whammy was why do you need em single. Simple, with the running around the Mountain West and all, no kids and running the highway of life solo, is better than having her trying to juggle kids, a hubby, and still being on time for a scene, or segment of the film, and more importantly bein on time for the plane. The idea is to capture everywhere and anywhere there is a current charter or sub-charter of the club, especially where the club was founded. Then there was the question, of examples of prior work, I'd be happy to provide except one mini problem, much of my reels are still on VHS Tape not DVD. So until I get for the Club a new computer with the software to transfer that video on DVD, no can show old stuff. However, when it comes to this kind of thing, I remember Vickie at Talent Management Group in Salt Lake City. Just before we set up camp in Woods Cross, while I was residing in Ogden Utah, I went down for a meet and greet at her office. Must have been 30 ladies there. The one I chose as a lead was a gal, named Michele Wilson. Who has a package that any man would wet his pants over. Total fee for Michele was 43k or so, Rick our President said no, but I look back and think, I should have ponied up my own money and hired her. She was the only one that wore the nylon leggings that I asked for, the kind of skirt I asked for, and gained a Confederate accent as I had asked. With that in mind guess who I'm calling this week? Thing is When I looked over the talent from Casting Pro, I didn't see any female talent between 35 and 60, from anywhere near here that could pop in for a meet and greet or a script read. If your question now is why did I go messing with Casting Pro? Simple they contacted me first, invited me to place a free ad on their site, which I did just to see if Casting Pro, was as good as which so far as I can tell , ain't.
In years gone past, in fact most years the Knytes and all never have had to ask those that claime to support the club for a dime. We see, we serve no problem. However 2016 siphoned way too much money for the cash stash, not just from short term investments like that idiotic bar on Bear River drive here in Evanston , but having people say they're coming in for training to be a part of the staff here at Knytes Hall, which that consumes money with no return, to SheWolf, who, btw is paying back albeit slowly, what we used to help her, and the list goes on. But those are small taters against the real drain. This year of 2016 many of our members were slaughtered at a convenience store near WACO Texas. 15 Knytes died, another 25 are facing charges. Attorney's do not come cheap. So to keep the home fires lit we are holding our hands out asking all that truly believe in Southern Liberty and preservation of the history of Dixie, and our American way of life.
I am truly greatful to SheWolf for her $500.00 a month, plus Our Texas Sister for her 10% each month, but we need much more. Sure out Texas Sister is there making pillows for sale and they a great looking
but we are needing new computers, studio furniture, transmitter, tower, antenna, just to name a few. So I'm asking you, all out there. If you support the Knytes, and the cause of southern liberty, dig in your wallet and send it to us. If sweet Southern Sister can scrounge up extra change to help certainly you all should, or is your interest and loyalty to Dixie, just Keyboard lip service.