Tuesday, September 27, 2016
Monday, September 26, 2016
The most poison words to the strongest man comes from her mouth
As I get ready to fire off another show on cyber radio, I reflect on a few noises that I got over texts from the illustrious Shelly. If this is the way she expects to retain, or even convince me that I should stay with her and continue to grow the relationship I have news for her. For ANY woman coming into a relationship with a Confederate American like me, telling me what you will or wont do in the bedroom, or for that matter have as my associates and collegues all ain't going to make for good items to negotiate. It'd be as bad as if Shelly told me that Lexibelle had to go, just I told her the first time, Shelly would be pounding bricks long before LexiBelle ever does, that old truck is the very line into my soul.
Quite frankly, if it were not for the sake of 80% curiosity and 10% that Shelly is still in debt to the organization, I'd tell Shelly adios, the next time she sent me one of these texts and all about how she does not like or dislikes some gal that goes to work. Shelly is like the turtle that's afraid to poke its head out of its shell, fearing the cicle to cut her neck. Thing is she bitches she has no friends, yet when presented with potential friends she runs. Me especially when it comes to the sweet scented gender, I run as fast as I can from ALL women. Even the ones I work with. In my opinion, its go to the studio, the film lot, or the shop. Do whatever we're going to do there, have a brew ,review of what we did, then let me in my truck or the General JaXson, and leave , to be by myself. I relish my private time, and seclusion , I'm not into the big things. But what's going to happen is Shelly is going to keep pushing only to find , good old me is gone pushed away from her. Then telling me she don't Trust this one, or that one, or any of my staff. I did find it quite nice to see a friend stand up for me on line last night. That sword is two edged, on one side super sharp, to calm all of Shelly's suspicions , on the other side sharper of an edge that women, are here and a few do, like this old high octane canine. Like that song of Sawyer Brown goes, nope, not all girls like me, but quite afew others do.
Gotta get ready for the evening show.
Quite frankly, if it were not for the sake of 80% curiosity and 10% that Shelly is still in debt to the organization, I'd tell Shelly adios, the next time she sent me one of these texts and all about how she does not like or dislikes some gal that goes to work. Shelly is like the turtle that's afraid to poke its head out of its shell, fearing the cicle to cut her neck. Thing is she bitches she has no friends, yet when presented with potential friends she runs. Me especially when it comes to the sweet scented gender, I run as fast as I can from ALL women. Even the ones I work with. In my opinion, its go to the studio, the film lot, or the shop. Do whatever we're going to do there, have a brew ,review of what we did, then let me in my truck or the General JaXson, and leave , to be by myself. I relish my private time, and seclusion , I'm not into the big things. But what's going to happen is Shelly is going to keep pushing only to find , good old me is gone pushed away from her. Then telling me she don't Trust this one, or that one, or any of my staff. I did find it quite nice to see a friend stand up for me on line last night. That sword is two edged, on one side super sharp, to calm all of Shelly's suspicions , on the other side sharper of an edge that women, are here and a few do, like this old high octane canine. Like that song of Sawyer Brown goes, nope, not all girls like me, but quite afew others do.
Gotta get ready for the evening show.
the gift of a smile and raising somebody up, rather than condemnation
Sorry ya'll our cyber radio side of last nights show didn't stick, due to some odd unknown reason but over the air here locally it was a good show. As I mentioned, whether involved romantically with a lady or a lady with a guy, the simple act of human contact and extension of that contact can do worlds of good, both to the spirit, as well as ones self wellbeing. A hug, a innocent smootch on the neck a dance anything is a thing that can be mentally recorded in one's biological CPU for decades if not for life.
Last night, I put up on Facebook that it would be nice for some strange or different female corpuscle to shinny up here to the Wolf's Lair, and give this old high octane canine a head job. Right away the other half is howling , finally one of my Best Female Friends here, came to my defense and explained to the SheWolf, that it was me just teasing and making fun, nothing serious. And while for 8 months this month I have albeit been tempted , but have not sunk my worm in ANYBODY, although a few I sure would like to have done. That said, you don't need to go all PG-13 here, just to make someone's day nor do I even expect it. But a good warm hug, or some extension of human contact can be a remarkable experience. Example, a few months ago, when the Knytes's were looking at buying up Tumbleweeds, (The hubby messed that up) On several occassions, Lisa came up gave me a hug and even twice gave me a slow dance. The feeling of just that long forgotten touch of a body next to mine, was uplifting. Then there is another who because of my tender caring heart I'm giving another chance, came over after a few of the Club members went and took to doing an attitude adjustment, we visited and she gave me a hug. Of course there are times that something simple like encouraging words can be food for one's spirit. Like our new hire Codi, who when she calls and/or texts, does not start ragging on me accusing me of every bad thing I might be doing. You'd think I was out banging every single and otherwise woman in eTown. Shit most days its, shop,food,sleep,radio-show, eat, meds, sleep more TV , then TV news and I'm horizontal in Bed. ALONE!! I Have 4 times out of the week that I don't do much if anything, including being on the air. Those being Saturday's(Day of rest)Sunday's(day of church) Monday, mostly sleep, Thursday's take care of personal needs. Except for tow calls, I don't do anything on those days. As far as anything sexual, and if it did happen it'd be done withing 5 minutes or less, considering Herman hasn't seen the insides of a woman's thighs, since 2000 and 2010 respectively. The risk for one thing is not worth it unless I planned to stay with that person for life, it'd be a two maybe three pump chump and I'd be extinguished. Yet SheWolf says I'm cheating. I'm just a person that likes much touching and contact, between genders and damn it I will not, absolutely not be made to feel I did something wrong when I did nothing. The next step here? That in my next entry.
See ya'll on air at noon.
Last night, I put up on Facebook that it would be nice for some strange or different female corpuscle to shinny up here to the Wolf's Lair, and give this old high octane canine a head job. Right away the other half is howling , finally one of my Best Female Friends here, came to my defense and explained to the SheWolf, that it was me just teasing and making fun, nothing serious. And while for 8 months this month I have albeit been tempted , but have not sunk my worm in ANYBODY, although a few I sure would like to have done. That said, you don't need to go all PG-13 here, just to make someone's day nor do I even expect it. But a good warm hug, or some extension of human contact can be a remarkable experience. Example, a few months ago, when the Knytes's were looking at buying up Tumbleweeds, (The hubby messed that up) On several occassions, Lisa came up gave me a hug and even twice gave me a slow dance. The feeling of just that long forgotten touch of a body next to mine, was uplifting. Then there is another who because of my tender caring heart I'm giving another chance, came over after a few of the Club members went and took to doing an attitude adjustment, we visited and she gave me a hug. Of course there are times that something simple like encouraging words can be food for one's spirit. Like our new hire Codi, who when she calls and/or texts, does not start ragging on me accusing me of every bad thing I might be doing. You'd think I was out banging every single and otherwise woman in eTown. Shit most days its, shop,food,sleep,radio-show, eat, meds, sleep more TV , then TV news and I'm horizontal in Bed. ALONE!! I Have 4 times out of the week that I don't do much if anything, including being on the air. Those being Saturday's(Day of rest)Sunday's(day of church) Monday, mostly sleep, Thursday's take care of personal needs. Except for tow calls, I don't do anything on those days. As far as anything sexual, and if it did happen it'd be done withing 5 minutes or less, considering Herman hasn't seen the insides of a woman's thighs, since 2000 and 2010 respectively. The risk for one thing is not worth it unless I planned to stay with that person for life, it'd be a two maybe three pump chump and I'd be extinguished. Yet SheWolf says I'm cheating. I'm just a person that likes much touching and contact, between genders and damn it I will not, absolutely not be made to feel I did something wrong when I did nothing. The next step here? That in my next entry.
See ya'll on air at noon.
Sunday, September 25, 2016
The simple act of a human female's hug can cure a myrawd of maladies
There is power in those arms, yet a gentleness that even the most Herculean male corpuscle will treasure. Last evening a lady friend of mine after I got back in from a hairy mission, came to the Wolf's Lair, made me some soup. and tucked me in on the mini couch. As she left she gave me a big tight hug. Nothing really sexual just a caring hug, guess what? That hug made me feel much better , and increased my appetite. Took a bath, some Goody's and my meds, and am ready to hit the rack. It's nice that there are people here, that care and makes sure this old high octane canine is alive and howling.
So with that I need sleep, see ya'll at 05:00 on the radio and on www.livestream.com/hazzardayresamcromcradio
So with that I need sleep, see ya'll at 05:00 on the radio and on www.livestream.com/hazzardayresamcromcradio
Countdown to honey in studio and congrats to being voted hottest babe in America
It's Sunday and after a previous day of going through hell trying to get the phleguim out of my throat I'm getting better. Had all plans to going to church, today; but body said no. At around 14:00 Bishop calls says he needs to chat, found me a calling and so it went.
Okay then it's the Countdown to our Angel Honey arriving in ETown to begin her journey with us here on HazzardAyre/SamcroMC Radio. The only problem is now , still don't have no medium sized pics of her lower limbs in hose or yoga pants or similar to put up for a few promo posters. oh well, wait till shes here.
The same Super honey I saw in some news clipping pronounced our Codi-Lee as the hottest gal in America. Any mile need to get off here, have company coming.
Join us tonite as we launch the new livestream channel www.livestream.com/hazzardayresamcromcradio
Okay then it's the Countdown to our Angel Honey arriving in ETown to begin her journey with us here on HazzardAyre/SamcroMC Radio. The only problem is now , still don't have no medium sized pics of her lower limbs in hose or yoga pants or similar to put up for a few promo posters. oh well, wait till shes here.
The same Super honey I saw in some news clipping pronounced our Codi-Lee as the hottest gal in America. Any mile need to get off here, have company coming.
Join us tonite as we launch the new livestream channel www.livestream.com/hazzardayresamcromcradio
Friday, September 23, 2016
Yes honey now that you woke me up I am grumpy, and the cutest lady noses of film and TV and the nation
So I'm asleep, dreaming of riding in the upper hills of Boise towards White Bird Hill on Idaho highway 55, when my phone rumbles not once, but twice. Once again here was my Shelly wimpering about the new hire here and I tripping tall cotton, and enjoying each other, physically. So I got up, and told her to call me. Suprisingly Shelly calls. I flat told her that there is not now nor will there ever be any hanky panky or hinky of the stinky, tween my new Personal, production manager and I. We are friendly in the studio, and might have a beer or two after on a good day, but at the end of the shift, she goes home. I go home and what she do on her own time and what I do at home on mine is what we do on our own time. Nobody is moving in with anybody. Besides where am I going to put two canines , myself and most of her things? So with that condition resolved I decided to try and snag some more sleep. But woken up decided to get some writing and other business done.
Okay then, many who have followed my show and writing over the years knows that I have an uncurable appetite for sweet toes in nylon hose. I'm not going into why, or where that began because its old news, and yes we are looking for a size 5 to 6 sized foot, with perfect toes to do the ultimate fund raiser for St.Judes Hospital, by setting a record of just how long a man (me) can kiss a womans smelly toes in nylons and have people pledge money for minutes to hours, and donate same to St. Judes Hospital. More on that on the show. So with that said, I'm beginning to notice more the noses on women more these days. I don't know how many other guys think of this, but to me, a big honking snoot, or beak takes away from an already great looking face. The thought pattern here being big nose, big feet and sausage toes. But I can think of at least several women I know and actresses who look good up to the point of their noses. Few guys unless their into that, want to kiss a woman who looks really great, only to have to tilt ones head one way or another to avoid a henny Penny nose.
The cutest nose I know of in Hollywood is Kerri Russell's, that's pristine tiny, followed by Dove Cameron,(Liv & Maddie-Disney Channel) Selena Gomez, and just a few others have that tiny nose you just want to kiss. So as would be normal course, we vector in and announce that HazzardAyre/SamcroMC Radio will be sponsoring and conducting a cutest nose contest. Details on the show.
I'm going in and catching a shower.
Okay then, many who have followed my show and writing over the years knows that I have an uncurable appetite for sweet toes in nylon hose. I'm not going into why, or where that began because its old news, and yes we are looking for a size 5 to 6 sized foot, with perfect toes to do the ultimate fund raiser for St.Judes Hospital, by setting a record of just how long a man (me) can kiss a womans smelly toes in nylons and have people pledge money for minutes to hours, and donate same to St. Judes Hospital. More on that on the show. So with that said, I'm beginning to notice more the noses on women more these days. I don't know how many other guys think of this, but to me, a big honking snoot, or beak takes away from an already great looking face. The thought pattern here being big nose, big feet and sausage toes. But I can think of at least several women I know and actresses who look good up to the point of their noses. Few guys unless their into that, want to kiss a woman who looks really great, only to have to tilt ones head one way or another to avoid a henny Penny nose.
The cutest nose I know of in Hollywood is Kerri Russell's, that's pristine tiny, followed by Dove Cameron,(Liv & Maddie-Disney Channel) Selena Gomez, and just a few others have that tiny nose you just want to kiss. So as would be normal course, we vector in and announce that HazzardAyre/SamcroMC Radio will be sponsoring and conducting a cutest nose contest. Details on the show.
I'm going in and catching a shower.
Sunday, September 18, 2016
Said Goodbye to the Uinta View Ward and now looking for a new one
After a very long night of hurling just about everything inside my stomache from eating some tater salad from a Ward picinic that was held a month or so ago, I was watching Ice Road Truckers on the History Channel. Came time to dress up for services but began to think, do I really want to go there? Over the last month I have been doing a heap amount of thinking and reflecting on the subject and I'm just not there any more. The Ward I went to is like a hot rod with a snazzy paint job , but no real horsepower. Over the last year I have been very vocal to our Bishop, about needing to being more active and not just a spectator. His responses have been, let the Ward get to know you. Shit how dang much do they need to get to know me, more over how much have they tried? Except for Dave and Vern and their respective families, the Bishop himself few if any have came to the house here and said, howdy. More over willing to sit and break bread. The Bishop did once at some soap box derby thing at the Church, and Van and Travis at that last straw draw picinic. As far as Church or at least outreach of the Ward, I have seen my home teachers maybe 8 times, over a year and a half. Sure I'm thankful to them for the rescue of the radio gear from Utah to here in Evanston. I am thankful to our Bishop, for help on utility bills and all, but there's more to it than that. I made this agreement with our Bishop, at the beginning of July, or so about being willing to help clean the meeting house. Yet I tried to call brother Dean as well as our Bishop, no response. Couldn't remember the time or day to be there. Would a quick email or text as to what time and all been too much? Now I know part of the tenseness of the Ward comes from being vocal as to the looks of two of the daughters of the Ward. It was wrong in the sense I looked,. The reason I looked was radio station, and TV ads for the radio station. Sure there is the thing of some guy attempting to buy ad time on our station. There was nothing hidden or mis stated. The ad buy was for our online and our refiring of our Over the Air AM here. There is not a better deal on ad time on any station in this part of the nation of $100.00 a month flat rate with unlimited airings. That being that the guy bought it. No sad song no returns.
I remember in the mid 1990's during the time President Hinckley was head of the LDS Church. I was working as the main person putting tires on the big rigs of Deseret Transportation next to SAP Brothers in Salt Lake City. I always brought a big coffee to last all day, and had my Skoal. My supervisor, Rocky there knew I had it, he just said, just don't get it on the floor. One morning just before lunch,(best $2.00 lunch in Utah) President Hinckley wandered through the shop. I think he knew the coffee and all was there. Although there big taboo for LDS people is no coffee,(it really says; No Hot Drink) President Hinckley sat down with me had a mini cup of my brew and we talked. At the end of the conversation, he said you(meaning me) are the Wolf in amongst the sheep. That was partly how me gaining a title of the two legged high octane canine. President Hinckley said its good to have a wolf in amongst the sheep, as it makes church members not so complacent.
After I went home to Idaho, I had little contact with the Church, mostly because of abuse from 4 idiotic missionaries with loose tongues that and few that came to visit. Now dig this of the Knytes, does it or would it surprise our church authorities to know that the dad of one of our members is a Bishop, of the Church at one of the Wards of the church?
I don't have anything against the Church itself, or its Gospel. But this is the second time I have ran into prejudice against myself and all because I ride with and am a officer of a motorcycle club.
So I invited our Bishop to drop by or give me a yell as to when I could meet with him to see about a transfer to another Ward, all I got was OK.
See you on the radio in the morning at 04:00.
I remember in the mid 1990's during the time President Hinckley was head of the LDS Church. I was working as the main person putting tires on the big rigs of Deseret Transportation next to SAP Brothers in Salt Lake City. I always brought a big coffee to last all day, and had my Skoal. My supervisor, Rocky there knew I had it, he just said, just don't get it on the floor. One morning just before lunch,(best $2.00 lunch in Utah) President Hinckley wandered through the shop. I think he knew the coffee and all was there. Although there big taboo for LDS people is no coffee,(it really says; No Hot Drink) President Hinckley sat down with me had a mini cup of my brew and we talked. At the end of the conversation, he said you(meaning me) are the Wolf in amongst the sheep. That was partly how me gaining a title of the two legged high octane canine. President Hinckley said its good to have a wolf in amongst the sheep, as it makes church members not so complacent.
After I went home to Idaho, I had little contact with the Church, mostly because of abuse from 4 idiotic missionaries with loose tongues that and few that came to visit. Now dig this of the Knytes, does it or would it surprise our church authorities to know that the dad of one of our members is a Bishop, of the Church at one of the Wards of the church?
I don't have anything against the Church itself, or its Gospel. But this is the second time I have ran into prejudice against myself and all because I ride with and am a officer of a motorcycle club.
So I invited our Bishop to drop by or give me a yell as to when I could meet with him to see about a transfer to another Ward, all I got was OK.
See you on the radio in the morning at 04:00.
Monday, September 12, 2016
Say good bye to Free Facebook, Blogger and YouTube got your credit card out?
Dig this fellow Knytes, went to put something up on my NewsFeed on Facebook. Son-of-a-bitch if the damn thing said that because of some glitch it would get placed. Even on MY newsfeed, on the damn thing. The fact and one must realize this, and it does not matter if it's Facebook, Blogger, or video's going on YouTube, its not yours or your page, newsfeed etc, its property of the individual firms, Facebook, Google for both Blogger or YouTube. Of course if you run into a snag there is no direct dial phone number nor email that you can send the idiots in Palo Alto or Mountain View California a strongly worded email to. Plus why with their gazzillions of money can't they fund a help desk call center, that you could rattle their cages. Or cubicles as the case may be. Yep the only way to do it, is go through the stuff of designing, and putting up your own site and then paying through your underwear both Google and Facebook, money to advertise it. Or do one helluva run at advertising it on TV nationwide.
But I can see it now, all these free services now available on Facebook, Blogger and YouTube will go the way of classified ads on Yahoo, and your Hotmail . These were once free too. Both to read as well as to place ads. Plus you could localize it. Today? Nope, dig out Mr. Credit Card, soon that'll be Facebook and/or Blogger/YouTube. Free to read(most-of the time) but to post anything ya gotta pay first.
But I can see it now, all these free services now available on Facebook, Blogger and YouTube will go the way of classified ads on Yahoo, and your Hotmail . These were once free too. Both to read as well as to place ads. Plus you could localize it. Today? Nope, dig out Mr. Credit Card, soon that'll be Facebook and/or Blogger/YouTube. Free to read(most-of the time) but to post anything ya gotta pay first.
Saturday, September 10, 2016
Today is going to be a good day even though I'm facing impending doom
Today is going to be a good day, even though I'm facing impending doom. Codi jingled with offer for coffee, so I got up, pulled myself together she showed, we had sea, (coffee) and she was off to to Arizona, returning in a few weeks to be here full time on air. Told her my plight with my personal utilities problem, didn't ask her for it, but she knows, just hoping that my Bishop and or a pay day loan can help.
On the subject and it must be brought up here, there is a fine line between the organizations money and my personal money. My money is what little I squeeze from a military pension, the shop/tow truck, and SSI. Out of which my domicile rent utilities and basics comes out of, including the shop rent. Does not leave much. The Club's money funds, employee pay, studio/office rent, operational money for the radio gig and shares some of the operational money for the shop. My lady SheWolf was barking about where the money she contributes goes. It's helping me that helps the club pay for the Shop, and her back medical bills and so on. That mere $500.00 a month does not do it all. Any time you go to a ER for anything the costs are about 20 times they would be for anything else anywhere else. Example, fell of a bike the other day. Got a terrible case of road rash, went to the ER for a bandage. Cost $1,500.00 $400.00 of which was for the damn bandage. $400.00 for a bandage, that might have cost $10.00 at WalMart(I know should have went there but I was dripping blood as well and needed gravel picked out of my side in the process.) When my SheWolf was here she had a situation caused mostly by nerves and all, that required a trip, to our local ER. After some testing she got a albeit heavy duty, but a very serious muscle relaxer and a serious TUMMS. Cost $5,500.00 . The Club paid for that, for her. If she had've stayed here and we worked things out at the time, she could have been paying back the club, at $300.00 or so a month, instead of the agreed $500.00 she's paying now. Some ask, how come I don't have to pay back the organization for such things? I do, its that I do it through service, rather that up front cash. Part of that service is riding herd on this radio network. Plus doing business negotiations for the organization. In the Knytes, member, or officer, or wife/girl of a member/officer still has to pay back the organization. There are no free rides. The reason, I don't go now to the Club for my utility problem, is that I'm up to my neck in debt to the organization now,. Up to the point that Codi showed up, the Club was bent on trading broadcast licenses and me exiting to either Montpelier Idaho or American Falls Idaho. The latter being dangerous, since my XYL and mother to my son, lives in Pocatello, and as such not a big fan of the idea being that close to Pocatello. American Falls is only about 20 miles or less from Pocatello. Otherwise I'd be there already.
Any mile going back in, catch a few winks and be upright and awake to bring you HazzardAyre Coast2Coast radio. www.livestream.com/hazzardayrecoast2costfm
On the subject and it must be brought up here, there is a fine line between the organizations money and my personal money. My money is what little I squeeze from a military pension, the shop/tow truck, and SSI. Out of which my domicile rent utilities and basics comes out of, including the shop rent. Does not leave much. The Club's money funds, employee pay, studio/office rent, operational money for the radio gig and shares some of the operational money for the shop. My lady SheWolf was barking about where the money she contributes goes. It's helping me that helps the club pay for the Shop, and her back medical bills and so on. That mere $500.00 a month does not do it all. Any time you go to a ER for anything the costs are about 20 times they would be for anything else anywhere else. Example, fell of a bike the other day. Got a terrible case of road rash, went to the ER for a bandage. Cost $1,500.00 $400.00 of which was for the damn bandage. $400.00 for a bandage, that might have cost $10.00 at WalMart(I know should have went there but I was dripping blood as well and needed gravel picked out of my side in the process.) When my SheWolf was here she had a situation caused mostly by nerves and all, that required a trip, to our local ER. After some testing she got a albeit heavy duty, but a very serious muscle relaxer and a serious TUMMS. Cost $5,500.00 . The Club paid for that, for her. If she had've stayed here and we worked things out at the time, she could have been paying back the club, at $300.00 or so a month, instead of the agreed $500.00 she's paying now. Some ask, how come I don't have to pay back the organization for such things? I do, its that I do it through service, rather that up front cash. Part of that service is riding herd on this radio network. Plus doing business negotiations for the organization. In the Knytes, member, or officer, or wife/girl of a member/officer still has to pay back the organization. There are no free rides. The reason, I don't go now to the Club for my utility problem, is that I'm up to my neck in debt to the organization now,. Up to the point that Codi showed up, the Club was bent on trading broadcast licenses and me exiting to either Montpelier Idaho or American Falls Idaho. The latter being dangerous, since my XYL and mother to my son, lives in Pocatello, and as such not a big fan of the idea being that close to Pocatello. American Falls is only about 20 miles or less from Pocatello. Otherwise I'd be there already.
Any mile going back in, catch a few winks and be upright and awake to bring you HazzardAyre Coast2Coast radio. www.livestream.com/hazzardayrecoast2costfm
Saturday, September 3, 2016
Friday, September 2, 2016
Here's what we're discussing this mornings on HazzardAyre Coast2Coast FM
When a TV series has nearly vanished from the eyes and screens of our nation, actors that once played lead roles on those TV episodes start to market that celebrity status. But when you add up the costs of attending a swindig like SLC Comic Con, just for a maybe chance of snagging an autograph or taking a selfie, you go , "what?" or Wuz Up with that. Spending $500.00 to go to such a thing is to me a big waste of money and time. I don't know how many well to do's we have out there, but that $500.00 pays, part of my shop rent, house rent, buys new shoes and enables me to keep earning, and my wheels turning. So I can operate to own. How many EBT cards, for SNAP benefits, long talks with Bishops and clergy, to get help with basic needs will there be after, because someone took money from same to go to Comic Con? Maybe the reason I don't go to such things is why there's been a Hazzard County Choppers/Cooter's A1 Toewing and not knee deep in the quick sand of debt.
Thanks to USA Cash, My honey SheWolf, and my tenacity, house rent is paid, shop rent is paid, ON TIME this month, and with a bit more from my honey SheWolf, utilities and all will be taken care of in a week or so. The single 1bdrm apartment below me is foonewtoe but I thought, wouldn't it be keen to just wait until my SheWolf gets here at the end of the month to go find a place together that both of us like? Just like Government, important decisions like your domicile should be made together, rather than as a dictatorship. If the gal who is coming up here from Arizona this coming week works out well and we get into the place I have in mind, for all things HazzardAyre Radio, then the 2nd part of the original migration plan from Utah to here in western Wyoming will be completed. That 2nd part of the plan, was once found a place for HazzardAyre Radio, was to find a suitable person, to GM the thing as well as being an onair personality. When two years ago this time of year then, the media committee met at our facility in Woods Cross (Bountiful) Utah, and concluded the next good place to plant the seed to see if it would germinate was here in western Wyoming. Concept was of Utah, just not in Utah. Not to take over the current off air station , but construct our own. It was quite by accident that the current license expired station here had went dark nearly a year before we ever arrived here. This opened a box that we knew we could not only plant a seed but well fertilize. AM 1240 is not yet quite ours, but it is coming as soon as the elections are over and the repopulating of the AM auctions are over. Once done watch AM 1240 kick in, just where to put it? We had a place picked out , but the wiring was so bad that we decided , that's not for us. The second spot was to populated with shrinks and such on the 5th floor of the local building that houses Well's Fargo Bank, just would work, so for the last two years in January it'll make 3 HazzardAyre Radio has been worked out of where I sleep. Limiting both on air time and ability to put a quality show together each day. What few realize, is that out of need just to eat and all, I had to dredge up the very thing that was to the need to create our radio gig in the first place. That is towing and trucking. Likewise the biker community of which I'm glad I am part of as well . What that all means, is I run a shop, and tow service here, and there's days I put in full days there, and come home too pooped to do anything except eat, crap TV and sleep. Beyond that as I have always said, especially holiday weekends, when all else plays, I'm working. Towing. Who sits in or takes over a episode of HazzardAyre when I need to snake someone out of trouble on the highway? I have also said, just because someone is kicking the tires of being part of the HazzardAyre A-Team
Can be a HazzardAyre Radio A-Team member. Its hard work, putting in 14 hour days, both producing programming, gaining financial backing through sponsors and advertisers, recruiting people to be on air, off air , sales the list is nearly endless. So its not easy, but albeit few, still has its rewards. Fact is the lack of employable talent here, and elsewhere , I have said millions of times, until there's more than two or 3 lady on airs here, why the hell move it into a formal office/studio facility? Just like spending money on going to Comic Con, wasting money on a facility, when 80% of the on airs here are male, and MC/Club members, having them trapse through the Wolf's Lair to do a show is no big deal.
Thanks to USA Cash, My honey SheWolf, and my tenacity, house rent is paid, shop rent is paid, ON TIME this month, and with a bit more from my honey SheWolf, utilities and all will be taken care of in a week or so. The single 1bdrm apartment below me is foonewtoe but I thought, wouldn't it be keen to just wait until my SheWolf gets here at the end of the month to go find a place together that both of us like? Just like Government, important decisions like your domicile should be made together, rather than as a dictatorship. If the gal who is coming up here from Arizona this coming week works out well and we get into the place I have in mind, for all things HazzardAyre Radio, then the 2nd part of the original migration plan from Utah to here in western Wyoming will be completed. That 2nd part of the plan, was once found a place for HazzardAyre Radio, was to find a suitable person, to GM the thing as well as being an onair personality. When two years ago this time of year then, the media committee met at our facility in Woods Cross (Bountiful) Utah, and concluded the next good place to plant the seed to see if it would germinate was here in western Wyoming. Concept was of Utah, just not in Utah. Not to take over the current off air station , but construct our own. It was quite by accident that the current license expired station here had went dark nearly a year before we ever arrived here. This opened a box that we knew we could not only plant a seed but well fertilize. AM 1240 is not yet quite ours, but it is coming as soon as the elections are over and the repopulating of the AM auctions are over. Once done watch AM 1240 kick in, just where to put it? We had a place picked out , but the wiring was so bad that we decided , that's not for us. The second spot was to populated with shrinks and such on the 5th floor of the local building that houses Well's Fargo Bank, just would work, so for the last two years in January it'll make 3 HazzardAyre Radio has been worked out of where I sleep. Limiting both on air time and ability to put a quality show together each day. What few realize, is that out of need just to eat and all, I had to dredge up the very thing that was to the need to create our radio gig in the first place. That is towing and trucking. Likewise the biker community of which I'm glad I am part of as well . What that all means, is I run a shop, and tow service here, and there's days I put in full days there, and come home too pooped to do anything except eat, crap TV and sleep. Beyond that as I have always said, especially holiday weekends, when all else plays, I'm working. Towing. Who sits in or takes over a episode of HazzardAyre when I need to snake someone out of trouble on the highway? I have also said, just because someone is kicking the tires of being part of the HazzardAyre A-Team

Stay tuned we'll be on air at noon today on; www.livestream.com/hazzardayrecoast2coastfm .
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